Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Sun, 3 Mar - Part 2

Diving the North Channel

our second dive was at the North Channel of Seymour .....i immediately spotted this Lizard Fish, which i recognized from Belize & Utila & Roatan .... it looks exactly the same ... kinda boring, but in perfect camo ...   :)

then we descended to another sandy-bottomed area with more Garden Eels ....

i know these just look like sticks in the sand, but .... these were more cooperative .... and i got a couple of close ups so you can see what they really look like ....

cute little 'buggers', aren't they ?

then the Spotted Eagle Rays came flying by ....  not as close as the ones i saw at Kicker Rock .... nor as many ....  but exciting just the same ....

then this BalloonFish wanted to check me out ...

up close and personal ....with his smiley face ....

i spotted this ScorpionFish myself  .... :)

more Mobulas .... you can really see their 'horns' in this photo ....

i see a lot of these BullsEye PufferFish ....... but they are cute, and i like them ....

then there were these 2 White Tipped Sharks just laying on the sandy bottom ...

the one on the top, kept opening and closing it's mouth ....  you can see it in the photo below ..... Jaime said, that was the way it was breathing .....    :)

i also picked out this Yellow-Bellied TriggerFish in the book, as one that i wanted to see ......    i'd seen a few of these BRIEFLY and at a great distance, but this one was big and close  ....

i love this little Coral HawkFish .... with the little fuzzy little 'tassels' on it's dorsel fin spines....

Jaime pointed out these GIANT  FineScaled TiggerFish ... i LOVE TriggerFish .... these were about 2'  ....

there were several of them at a 'cleaning station' ...... which is why they are kind of at a strange angle  ....

we finished our dive, with our 3minute 'safety stop' on an outcropping of some rocks that was strewn with these beautiful Blue Striped Sea Stars ....

the colors and designs, intriguing ....

and i love how they just 'drape' themselves over the rocks .... maybe they are just holding on for dear life in the current, same as i was   :)    ...

the best dive day yet !!!!!!!!!     :)       ....the only thing we didn't see is the HammerHead ....

back in the boat we had sandwiches as we drove back to shore....

back on shore, in the taxi, home, cleaned up ..... met at 6pm to do our Dive Log, visit, and signed up to dive tomorrow again ...  :)

i was hungry, walked the Malecon and found a little place where i had a slice of pizza and a coke for $5     :)

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