Saturday, March 23, 2013

Leaving Isabela - Sat, 23 Mar

Leaving Isabella

i woke up every hour last night worried that my alarm wouldn't go off :(    .....

got the taxi to the dock for my trip to Santa Cruz ..... sunrise over the dock area ....

sad to leave such a beautiful paradise .... it's such a small place ... i tried to get a photo to give you an idea of the size of it ... this is all there is .... you can see the church tower on the right which is in the 'town square' ... and you can just barely make out the last building on the left is pink   .... and that's all there is to Puerto Villamil ..... i love it ... and i'll miss it ...

the ride back to Santa Cruz was uneventful ... i've been very lucky on my boat rides between islands ... i've heard horror stories of how rough the seas can be, getting seasick, etc. .....

i did catch a glimpse of a large white shape flying out of the water way in the distance ... it was unmistakable ... it was either a Spotted Eagle Ray or a Manta Ray .... AWESOME!     ....i think it was a Manta Ray waving goodbye and asking me to come back   :)
...a borrowed photo from Natl Geographic ... this is what it looked like   ... honest !

arriving back in Santa Cruz was nice ... even though this is my least favorite of the islands ... it's nice to arrive in a familiar place, know where you're going, recognize people ....

i got a big smile from the guy at the desk at Lirio del Mar ... i have a nicer room this time ..... it is NOT an oven !   ....

i went to the Tour Operator where i signed up for my Cruise to make sure everything was still a 'go'  ... it is    :)

then i went to Sope Dive shop to say HI to my friend Kath that works there ... we've emailed back and forth a couple of times ... it was good to see her

went to El Giardine to get their famous waffle with ice cream ... why did i order that?     ... i don't really like waffles and ice cream ... it was much too heavy .... i would have been much happier with a double scoop of ice cream    :)     ...used their WiFi while i was there .... and realized i have a lot of 'blogging'  to do before i leave in the morning ...  :(

back to my room, ... the WiFi was working IN my room   ....yeahhhhhh !!!!   ... took a little nap while i uploaded some photos .... then got to work ...

last post to my blog ...

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