Saturday, March 9, 2013

Marine Iguanas - Fri, 8 Mar

 The Land of the Marine Iguanas

woke up to cloudy skies that soon broke out into rain  ... with thunder !    but the girl at the desk said in the Galapagos, it rains then the sun shines ... and she was right... at least for today ... i do know for a fact, that in the Galapagos it is capable of raining, non-stop for days  :(

it turned out to be a beautiful cloudless day, ... and hot ....

i walked to the store and saw this striking cat ... doesn't he have beautiful blue eyes ... but he wasn't interested in my company and went in the house, where i saw 2 other cats .... they all looked healthy ...

i'd also like to say here that i have not seen any 'stray' dogs or cats roaming any of the streets on any of the islands ... the ones i've seen look like they have a home and are healthy ... so nice to see !!!!!!!!!

then to the beach and was going to go up to this 'lookout' platform that they have over the beach ... but found out that it is roped off because it is Turtle nesting season ....

this is an area for the Marine Iguanas as well, so maybe nesting season for them too. .....ok, so i thought i saw a lot of Marine Iguanas at Tortuga Bay in Santa Cruz ... wrong ... HERE they have a lot of Marine Igunanas .... i could see them all over the grounds .....

and then i looked at the pile of rocks at the base of the platform .... covered with Iguanas !!!!!!!!!!!!   .....i don't know if you can see very well from this photo because they are the same color as the lava rocks ...  they are on the steps too.     from a distance, i still think they look a little bit like monkeys .... there are hundreds of them here ....

now that's a lot of Marine Iguanas !

i sat at the beach and finished my audio book.

when i got here, there were quite a few waves, ... i thought maybe in the morning it would be nice and calm and i could go for a swim ... wrong ... the waves have not stopped since i got here ... they just keep rollin in ...
they were really creating a lot of 'mist' late this afternoon, which seemed to be rolling all the way to the hills ....

i wish my room was on the other side so i could fall asleep to them ... although with the AC on, i probably wouldn't hear them anyway ...

getting to the beach to watch the sunset has become a ritual ... there is just something about the sun setting over water .... i never tire of it .... and i missed it in Santa Cruz ...

i stopped at the store and almost missed it tonight ....

the sun was just blazing as it sunk into the clouds ...

fixed myself some chicken and rice soup and worked on uploading photos the rest of the night ....

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