Thursday, March 7, 2013

Last Day on Santa Cruz - Tues, 5 Mar

Last Day on Santa Cruz

i would have liked to go to Isabela today; but since i was diving yesterday, there wasn't time to do the things i needed to do first .... like get money,  (there are no ATMs on Isabela).

to the bank in the am .... 2 Asian Travelers Cheque people in front of me .... it's quite an ordeal.   the girl was at the window for 20min ....  i asked her friend if he had TC too, he said yes, .... i asked him if i could please go ahead of him;  ..... mine would take 1min.   he allowed me to do that...thank you!!!!!!    ...and then i was out of there.

stopped at the fish market ... a good way to entertain myself watching the pelicans and sea lions,  ....

those Sea Lions are just like little dogs, begging for food .....

then i realized there was a Blue Footed Boobie standing at my feet ...  !!!!!!!    

and ... his feet were not Blue ... they were AQUA-TURQUOISE !!!!!

they are funny looking birds   ...

 'you talkin about me?' .....

now you've hurt my feelings ....

ok, now look at the photo of the one i took on San Cristobal ....
with BLUE feet    ....

WoW  !

i walked a ways and saw Sandra on the street.    she said she was going to Tortuga Bay, and i asked her if i could join her.    we agreed to meet at 11am at the Dive Shop.    .... well, at least that's what i understood.    i went back to my room and started getting ready, at 10:55 ... went down to the Dive Shop, and Katharine said that Sandra was there looking for me, and left ....  ????

i thought i could catch her at Tortuga Bay ... i grabbed a taxi and walked up to the Natl Park Office, but she had not signed in.    i waited for 15min, but never saw her ....  ???  

i took this photo while i was up there of the town below ....

now, i wasn't sure what i wanted to do .... i really didn't want to take the time to walk all the way to Tortuga Bay ..... i decided to go for a swim at the beach by the Darwin Center .... got in the water and 'cooled off', listened to my audio book; then walked back home ... hot and sweaty, just like i never cooled off  ...

bought my ticket for the Ferry to Isabela for tomorrow and then went to the internet since WiFi was down again     :(

went back to my elderly gentleman for more of his fish ceviche and another cold glass of Tamarind juice ... with ice cubes ...

then back to the internet ... by that time it was almost 9pm and i needed to pack.

someone from a 'tour company' is supposed to pick me up tomorrow morning around 7am to take me to the ferry ..... this makes me very nervous ... the ferry leaves at 7am .... but Katharine, said, 'don't worry, even if they aren't here at 7:15  ..... hummmm

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