Thursday, March 21, 2013

Turtle Tracks & Decision to Stay - Wed, 20 Mar

From the Volcano to the Jungle and Back
and Decision Time

since i didn't walk the beach last night, i walked it this morning ...and ran into Helmut on his bike ...  he gave me his analysis of last night's activity.

this little crab got caught on the beach and couldn't get back to his house ....until i took his photo   :)

i saw lots of turtle tracks and possibly nests ... the tracks are proof that just FINDING the appropriate spot to lay your eggs is a laborious job ... 

these, going up around and back out to sea again ... no sign of a nest ...

and these as well, along a bank of huge boulders, .... no sign of a nest here either ...

Helmut believes that these above were all made by the same female, ....looking for just the right spot .. and she finally ended up over the hill, ...  :(

check out the tracks on this hill, which is quite substantial ...

and making her nest right along side of the road ... :(

how much effort all that takes :(   

i also came across these 2 casualties ...

my little BalloonFish  :(  ...

the other day, Stephanie from The Volcano Hotel asked me when i was leaving.   we had talked about a new group coming on several occasions over the last week.   i had my computer open and showed her a calendar and pointed to the day i had to be in Santa Cruz for my Cruise.

this morning, she is trying to tell me something in Spanish about the new group that is arriving .... but she/i struggled to understand each other.   finally a girl arrived to translate:   bottom line:   they are full and i have to leave tomorrow .... :(    ....i was afraid that's what she was trying to say  ...

so i walked around trying to find another place to stay for 2 nights ... every place is 'ocupado', or $$$$.    i came back and told her this, she said 'si' ... she knows!     ....  sooooooooo, why didn't they tell me 4-5 days ago, when i could have possibly gotten a room somewhere else ?  

there is a room next to mine that is 'unfinished' and hasn't been rented out ... it has a mattress in it, but no bed.   i asked one of the girls if they could just put sheets and a pillow on the mattress, i don't mind sleeping on the floor ... she said no, it wouldn't look good for people to see me in there ... (per translator) ...

the translator told me that The Jungle might have rooms ... i went to check it out ... yes, i can stay there, and it's a nice room with an ocean view  .... :)

i came back and asked the other girl if i could stay in that room ... she looked surprised, but said if ok w/me ... ok w/her.   :)    yeahhhhhhh, i don't have to move!!!!!!!!!

then ... decision made:
no more Day Trips, i'm staying here until Fri.   ...i just don't want to leave the beach   ....i bought my ticket on the Ferry back to Santa Cruz for Sat !

the boat came in yesterday with all the produce ..... yeahhhh ... so i went to the store.    when i came back Stephanie told me that the bathroom wasn't working in that room, but she could move the mattress in the other unfinished room ... but it has no AC.    i know i say i don't like AC ... but .... if there is no fan, and no way to cool off the room... i do like AC.    i asked if i could stay in one room and use the bathroom in the other ... she said ok  :)
i just don't like to have to pack up everything for 2 nights, unpack, and then pack again to leave.   so, i'm happy  :)

it rained a little right before sunset ... but we had a nice one anyway ....

this is newest and probably the most expensive place to stay on the island ... Iguana Crossing ...

sad that they actually built it ON the Iguana Crossing   :(   duhhhh,   where's the Natl Park Service when you need them ? ...

sauteed more shrimp in onions and garlic and made some spaghetti ... yummmm

worked on my blog the rest of the night

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