Tuesday, March 18, 2014

15 Mar, Sat


i saw a Music Festival advertised for today.... it's a benefit for the nearby Clinic ... i sent a note to Angie, the girl i almost shared an apartment with, to see if she wanted to go in the evening, and let me know when and where. i hadn't heard from her yet so decided to snorkel early in the day ... when i got to the Water Taxi stand i saw Oscar (Marine Patrol) and he offered to give me a ride to WBay  :)

not as many 'tourists' today ... Oscar said only 2 'small' cruise ships are here ..
West Bay Beach

i was in the water by 11am ... and was in very shallow water when i saw this ...
Do you see the ScorpionFish ?

that little 'rock' to the right of the coral .... what? ... another ScorpionFish? ...right out here in the middle of the sand ... where someone could step on it .. OUCH !
Mushroom ScorpionFish
since he was on the sand, you can get a better idea of all the 'stuff' on his body ...
Mushroom ScorpionFish

out a little deeper a Queen ParrotFish ...
Queen ParrotFish
who showed me her 'teeth' ...
Queen ParrotFish - showing her 'teeth'
out over the sand patch i saw this
Blue ParrotFish
i snorkeled for about an hour and realized my finger was getting numb from the cold ..... i wasn't cold, but obviously my finger was ... i tried to warm it up with no luck ... so i got out of the water and stuck my hand in the warm sand ... then i noticed it was purple ... it was even darker purple than this before i thought to take the photo :( ...
hummmmmmm ?

after about 15min it finally got the feeling back ... and went back into the water, in the shallows ...
3 Spot DamselFish and Magnificent FeatherDuster
Split-Crown FeatherDuster and Magnificent FeatherDuster

and saw this huge Rainbow ParrotFish in the shallows,
Rainbow ParrotFish

there is a 4" Blue Head Wrasse in the photo -- for size comparison ...
Rainbow ParrotFish and Blue Head Wrasse
Rainbow ParrotFish
i was so close, i could have touched him, but he didn't mind me being there .... in this video, listen to the scraping sound as it eats the algae off the coral with it's powerful beak-like teeth, ... also notice the beautiful pectoral fins and how they use them like 'wings' ....

my finger got numb pretty quickly again, so i got out of the water, ate my sandwich and stayed out longer this time .... then back in ....
Black Durgeon
Blue Tang Cruising the Reef
DogTooth Snapper
a very very BLUE TrumpetFish
Spotted GoatFish displaying their 'beards'

i caught a Water Taxi back and it was 3:30 when i got home, ..... i had a note from Angie saying they were meeting at 4pm ! ....

i met her, and her friend, Ava, drove us to the Festival.     it was a really nice spot for a Music Festival ... large grassy area with a nice breeze, just up from the beach ...  they had a lot of tents serving food .. really great food ...some of the best food i've had since i've been here !   ...and of course drinks  :)

this little girl was so cute, i asked if i could take her picture ...
Face Painting for the Kids
it was a beautiful sunset ...
Sunset at Lawson Rock
me and Angie - Sunset at Lawson Rock
it was almost a full moon and a beautiful night .... and the music was good as well ...
me, Ava, Angie

we left there about 8pm and Angie thought i should 'go out' with her tonight and she would introduce me to some people ... i agreed  :)     we met again at 9pm, met a lot of people and ended up with 2 guys from California, who were a lot of fun ... i finally left them around 1:30  .... and agreed to meet for breakfast tomorrow at noon ...

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