Sunday, March 23, 2014

19 Mar, Wed


i painted another recycle bin at RMP in the morning .... one coat, then took a walk to el Boske for another sandwich ... chicken this time ... it was just as awesome as the steak, and still only $2  ... i can't fix myself food for that price ... a fact that makes me very happy  :)

back at RMP as i finished up the second coat of paint on the recycle bin ... i overhead 'drunken conversation' at the Marine Park Store where you can rent snorkel equipment ... hummmmmmmm, the Navy .... i walked down there ... they were quite comical of course, and after some attemped conversation, i offered to take them snorkeling ... they insisted that they knew all about snorkeling because after all, they were in the Navy ... none of them knew how to snorkel ... we spent quite awhile in the shallow sandy/grassy area with instructions on snorkeling, as well as the protection of the reef.    ....then we headed out to snorkel ... it was rough going at first, a few corals were compromised ... :(   .... but eventually they all followed me and kept their distance from the reef ...

My Navy Guys  :)

they were all excited to see this Barracuda ... no doubt brought them bragging rights back at the ship ... it was a big one ...

they also saw this Porcupine Fish and i tried to explain to them that they were seeing something special .... and please, next time, don't chase after it  :(

they totally enjoyed themselves and were very appreciative, said they'd do it again tomorrow, and it was the highlight of their visit ...

..... but the highlight for me ... was finding this tiny fish ... i was actually showing them the anemone .... when i spotted the fish ..........
Anemone and a tiny Juvenile HighHat Fish
he was pretty cute

i thought it was a Spotted Drum Juvenile ... but after looking more closely, i decided it was a Juvenile HighHat ... like the adult that i had seen a couple days ago ...
the late afternoon sun was casting a golden glow
it is actually very black and white
very cool fish with the extremely long dorsal fin !

you can see there is a direct correlation between how excited i am about a fish and how many photos i post :)

i'm even posting a video ....

the guys wanted to pay me for some photos..., but i said 'absolutely not', that it was the least i could do, and thanked them for serving our country ... and they very seriously say 'thank you' ... i told them to leave their email at the RMP ... and they also left me a note, saying i was 'awesome' and told me to listen to the song "Donna, by Ritchie Valens" !!!!!!! how sweet is that? ...coming from a 19yr old ... made my day :)

he also told me the name of their ship, so i googled it ....  "Halyburton is currently deployed in the Caribbean Sea conducting counter illicit trafficking operations in support of Operation Martillo.  Operation Martillo targets illicit trafficking routes in coastal waters along the Central American isthmus, and is an international, interagency operation which includes the participation of 14 countries committed to a regional approach against transnational criminal organizations moving illicit cargo."

"This deployment is Halyburton's last deployment in her 30-year career, as she is scheduled to decommission later this year."

in the evening i walked down to Rotisserie Chicken to get a piece of coconut cream pie, but they were closed again ... :( ... so i stopped at el Boske to see what they had for dessert.   ... a nice waiter, Walter, helped me get an extra large piece of Key Lime pie (i tipped him well)  ..... that was pretty good, and they also had some Coconut Flan that was still too warm to cut ... tomorrow :)

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