Saturday, March 29, 2014

24 Mar, Mon


i had a nice visit this morning with our resident cat ... i've only seen him one other time, but this time he made himself at home for awhile ...

and i was appreciative ...

i packed up to go to West Bay to do 'beach patrol', but there were no Cruise ships in today :(     ... implement Plan B ...

i went to the RMP Store where they were doing inventory, and helped count the stock, including 409 new RMP t-shirts that just arrived ... all colors and sizes.  

Coltin and i have been working on a new sign to put up at the West Bay Beach ...

those are all dead SeaHorses that have been confiscated from little kids selling them on the beach ....  sooooo sad  :( was hard to drill holes into them to put them on this board ...   :(

we are trying to get the Cruise Ship people NOT to buy them ...  if no one is buying them, hopefully they'll quit killing them  ...

Sunset at SunDowners ..

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