Tuesday, March 18, 2014

17 Mar, Mon


i went to RMP this morning, but everyone was gone  :(     .... the RMP Store was open and i talked to Tasha for awhile .... i eventually ended up folding, accordian-style, some RMP pamphlets for her until around noon ...

i felt like i had made my contribution for the day and got my snorkel gear and headed to Half Moon Bay ... we've got some 'weather' coming in, and even the Bay was pretty rough.    so i decided to see what was under the Dock again, hoping it would be a little protected there ...

i couldn't find anything there that i saw the last time .... no Green Moray Eel, no ScorpionFish, no HighHat, no SharpNose PufferFish  .... i did see this cute little Juvenile French AngelFish ...

French AngelFish Juvenile
somebody had obviously caught a couple large Barracuda and they threw the remains in the water for the little fishes to pick at ...
Barracuda head
...nothing goes to waste ...

but Surprise Surprise .... i looked into one of the support barrels ... and saw another Octopus !!!!!! ... i am the Octopus Whisper-er :)
he was happy to stay right where he was ...

there wasn't much else to see ... and it was rough there too .... i ventured out into deeper water ... but it wasn't much fun, riding the waves while snorkeling ... i saw these guys ...
Indigo Blue Hamlet over Star Coral
RedBand ParrotFish ... over dead coral  :(

and headed back into shore where i saw this small Southern Stingray in about 2' of water ....

i got out and decided to try the other side of the Bay, because it was a little bit better protected from the surf ...
it was still pretty rough on this side, but i prevailed :)
Blue Tang
in the grasses 15' below me walked this large Lobster ... you hardly ever see them out 'walking' .... he must know Lobster Season is closed ?
Spiny Reef Lobster on 'Walk-About'

i was following a ParrotFish around and came face to face with this Nassau Grouper ...
Nassau Grouper
he actually didn't seem too bothered by me, and posed for another shot or 2 ...
Nassau Grouper
for being a not-so-colorful fish ... they sure are pretty ...
Nassau Grouper

in about 2' of water again, i saw another Southern StingRay .... or maybe he followed me over here because it was so rough on the other side  ?
Southern Stingray

i went to The SunDowner ... and met an older couple, who were interesting to visit with... also, one of the guys noted the fact that all the boats, that are usually floating in the water, tied to the shore, were gone ... they'd been moved to a 'safer place' in anticipation of the storm coming in ...

at 7pm i met Angie and we had a pizza at Pepperoni Pizza, and i liked it much better than Splash Inn ... this one was a lot more flavorful  :)

we got a drink and started walking .... i love to walk with a drink .... it really makes me feel like i'm on vacation, ...on an island  :)

we ended up at Tita's, then headed for home as it started blowing and raining .... of course we were at the opposite end of town from my place ... it was REALLY blowing hard across the water ... sand in my eyes ...i was almost running to get home before it started pouring ... i was sweaty and happy to get home and take a shower ... i just finished as the power went off ....  :) and :(

it was HOT inside with no fan, and REALLY DARK outside ... with the wind blowing, i could see the 'boogie man' in the shadows, and laid awake with my flashlight in one hand and pepper spray in the other ... silly me!   .... the power came back on about 12:30, and i fell asleep  ...

it never did really rain ...

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