Thursday, March 13, 2014

9 Mar, Sun


shortly after i got up this morning, the power went out again .. :( ... for about an hour.

i did some laundry, (i.e., washing a few things out in the waste paper basket), then headed for the beach ... this is Half Moon Bay, which is right in the center of the 'town' of West End on Roatan.

Half Moon Bay, West End, Roatan

Half Moon Bay, West End, Roatan

it's really nice snorkeling at Half Moon Bay too ... but today, i met Ed here and we got in his dingy and we went out to the Reef and snorkeled ...

... this is a Graysby ....difficult to photograph because it retreats so quickly under any available rock or coral.   ..... it's pretty with red spots on it, and the distinctive identifying black spots along the dorsal fin ...

we snorkeled around a few coral heads and ended up at a deep channel ... far below, i spotted this large Nassau Grouper ... they are definitely on the 'avoid eating' list because there are so few of them... so it was great to see a nice large one here ...

Nassau Grouper

a few more photos ...
LongSpined SquirrelFish
Queen AngelFish
Magnificent FeatherDuster
Finger and Vase Sponges
Magnificent FeatherDuster

... this feather duster has two semi-circular crowns, split in the middle; .. both halves are a mirror image of each other.
Split Crown FeatherDuster
Christmas Tree Worms

i didn't get that many good photos ... i think i prefer snorkeling alone  :(   ... then i don't have to be concerned about where someone else is, ....or if i'm taking too long trying to get a photo .... at one point i was looking to see where Ed was, and a wave pushed me into some FireCoral .... this is the result... :( burns for about an hour, then blisters and itches   .... i need to be more careful !

we finished snorkeling and sat on his sailboat for awhile, and i heard some "sailor's tales"  ...since i had just watched 'All Is Lost' the movie with Robert Redford where he is alone in a sailboat ....  and it seems like a lot of those things had happened to him to some degree ... i told him he should watch the movie .. and then maybe never sail again ... but sailors aren't like that, they love to sail ... they will always sail....

i went home and then walked back into town to find something to eat for dinner. 

elections were recently held in Honduras and there is a new administration that is trying to make a difference. .... how do you do that?  ... NO alcolhol served/sold after 5pm on Sundays ... none !  ... this is called ...  "Ley Seca"   ... dry law ...   the hope is that it will eliminate the high crime rate in Honduras.    i am sure it is going to take more than a few 'dry' hours to solve their problems  ...but at least they recognize the problem and are trying to address the issue.

none of the business on the Bay Islands (Utila and Roatan) assumed the new law would 'really' apply to them, because they are tourist islands ... and most continued to sell alcohol that first Sunday ... but the next Sunday was a different story .. the police were out and enforcing the new law  :(    ... i have heard that petitions are being submitted to exempt the Bay Islands from the new law ... stay tuned for updates. a result of the enforcement of the new law, there were very FEW restaurants open this Sunday night ... most just closed their doors ...  sooooo, i guess this is a testament to the fact that restaurants do NOT make a profit on their food sales, and if they can't sell alcohol, there is no reason to be open   :(  

i found a place to eat and had a very un-satisfying dinner ... looked for someplace to get dessert, with no luck   :(

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