Wednesday, March 5, 2014

28 Feb, Fri


morning chores, then packed up and got on a boat to go out to Water Caye again ...

... approaching the little island ...
Water Caye
East End of Water Caye

i started out on the East side of the island...
it wasn't quite as rough today ... but it wasn't as calm as i would have liked it.   in the shallow sandy areas, the visibility still wasn't that good, ...

but 1 minute after i entered the water,  i saw this Spotted Eagle Ray feeding in the sand

can't believe i saw another one today ~

Spotted Eagle Ray

he didn't stick around very long ...

in the shallow area around the East side ...
Spotted TrunkFish
YellowTail Snapper

i decided to continue out into deeper water and just go around the entire island .... i had never done that before ... why not ?   ....

Barracuda can also change their appearance to match their surroundings ... here is one over deep water ....they are so sinister-looking ...

there were a lot of sandy bottom trenches that lead towards shore where the water was more shallow, and warmer ... i headed down one of these trenches and saw another Barracuda ... blending in with the coral ....


i was taking a picture of a little fish and noticed movement to my left and saw this approaching me ! ...
Octopus !

seriously, i couldn't believe my eyes ... it was 'lumbering' along like i wasn't even there ... ...

... right past me .....

and settled against an old piece of coral ...
...this one was larger than the first one ...

he tried to squeeze himself underneath, but it just wasn't happening ...

he stayed there for almost a minute ...

then he got up, and started off again ...
... ...

he swam a short distance
...looking very un-octopus-like ...
and then setled back down on top of the reef ...

here is a video ....

that really was un-believable .... seeing 2 Octopus within  5  days !

i continued around the island, taking in all there was to see ...
DogTooth Snapper
Flamingo Tongue

a Stoplight ParrotFish and French Grunts

and finished up on the other side just as i was starting to get cold again .... i was able to snorkel into the shallows and warmer water ...

these were just the size of my little fingernail .... so tiny !
Social FeatherDusters

Magnificent FeatherDuster
this reminded me of some comical animal ...
BlueHead Wrasse
Barred Hamlet

ending a beautiful day of snorkeling in the warm shallow waters ... it's like being in a hot tub ....
..quiet and peaceful ...
Relaxing Above the Water at Water Caye

we got back around 5pm ...

tonight's movie was "All Is Lost" with Robert Redford as the main and ONLY character ... which means ... there is no dialogue either .... it's a story about his struggle to stay alive after his boat is damaged and is faced with one disaster after another; ... interesting and certainly a different kind of movie ...

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