Thursday, March 6, 2014

4 Mar, Tues

the Animal Clinic is open on Tues ... and i remembered that today is Tues... at about 9:30 ....  quickly got ready and walked up there to see if i could be of any help (i've helped in past years) ....... the Vet had been gone for several weeks, so they were really busy ...
she did lots of neutering, saw a lot of other animals for various issues .... and had to put a cat with kidney failure 'to sleep', and an aggressive dog that had  bit several people and other dogs 'to sleep'  ... not a fun part of her job   :(

this is a sweet little kitty that a young guy brought in.   he had found her in the gutter when she was just a new-born .... she's been doing really well, but now she wasn't feeling so well ... so he brought her in ... nice to see young men here who do care for animals :)
she got a shot ... she'll be fine

we were there until 2pm  ... she and her husband were exhausted ...

when i got back home, Rita, my Manager, told me that she rented out my apartment on the 7th !!!!!!!!!!    .... i had told her that i had found a place in Roatan, and that i would let her know what date i was leaving.   she said i told her the 7th .... now why would i tell  her the 7th, when i can't move into my new place until the 8th ? .... hummm

i talked to a couple also staying here who snorkel in the morning ... they said they liked it better than the middle of the day ... maybe i'll try that tomorrow....

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