Tuesday, March 18, 2014

16 Mar, Sun


breakfast at noon ..... i ordered waffles ... note to self, and i know this! ... they do not have Maple Syrup here, and the syrup they served was really horrible  :(   .... and i just saw on Stevie's FaceBook that they are collecting the 'real' syrup right now in Michigan   :( ...  the bacon was good, however  :)

Angie and i met again at 3pm to go snorkeling at West Bay ... Sunday in Honduras is 'family' day and there were a lot of little kids in the water, enjoying the day ... no cruise ships ;)

we had a drink at BananaRama  ... and here we learned that some of the Resorts at West Bay are NOT abiding by the no-alcohol-after-5pm-Sunday-law !!!!!!!!!  .. so it seems ... money does talk !

we cooled off in the water, and looked for the guys .... then got in the water for some snorkeling ....

i saw a guy taking a photo of something, and i slowly approached, ... he pointed ... it was an Eel that i've never seen before ....

Chain Moray Eel

i looked it up ... a Chain Moray Eel ... and i can see why it is called that ...

this is my first Midnight ParrotFish .. it is dark blue and has lighter blue markings...
Midnight ParrotFish
Midnight ParrotFish

the rest of the snorkel i saw the 'usual suspects' ....

i don't usually see more than one Graysby at a time ...
but today i saw several, and at this location there were 5 ... and 2 of them were not getting along ... 
2 Graysby confrontation

just before getting out of the water, as the sun was setting ... there was a lot of activity on top of the coral in very shallow water ...
StopLight ParrotFishes, Queen AngelFishes, Rainbow ParrotFish

when i got out of the water i found one of the guys and we watched the sunset ...
Sunset in front of Infinity Bay Resort, at West Bay
Sunset at Infinity Bay Resort at West Bay

Angie and i caught the last water taxi back to West End before dark ...

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