Friday, February 28, 2014

25 Feb, Tues

Disappointing Day

we woke up today to NO wind ... it's nice, but the breeze is really good at keeping things cool ... it's warm in my apartment this morning ...

i walked to the Bakery and bought a piece of Broccoli Bacon Quiche ... she makes really great quiche !

this is the view from my front balcony .... i can check the bay from here and see how rough it is .... smooth sailing out there this morning !

i packed my bags and went to the Whale Shark office ... with no winds and calm seas, they might have a boat going out today.    however, i found out, boat today, but they will have one tomorrow ... but the bad news is ... Lucie said there is no room for me tomorrow, nor in the 'forseeable future'  .... how do i like that ? .... it's quite a let down for me :(   ....  

a lot of the places to eat here are not really 'restaurants' ... but rather, locals who prepare and sell food ... this is the place where i get my Key Lime Pie ...i've heard her meals are good as well ...
Key Lime Pie Headquarters  :)

i went to Skid Row for a pizza tonight ... a guy i know was there and we visited, and i met the guy that makes the Thai food on Fri nights.

REALLY REALLY good pizza at Skid Row, with Italian Sausage  !!!!!!!!!!!

i am really pretty miserable tonight with these bites EVERYWHERE on my body ! is this happening ?

movie:   The Grandmaster ... martial arts story about the guy who trained Bruce Lee ... i passed on that one  ... that was an easy decision  :)

Thursday, February 27, 2014

24 Feb, Mon


i don't know what happened .... but while i wasn't looking, i was being eaten by some 'blood-thirsty" insect ... right here in my own home !!!!!  ... right before my eyes, bites appeared ... i've been sitting at the computer, with my hands on the keyboard ... how cold have this happened without me knowing it ... ?

enough whining, but what a way to start my day  :(

it's less windy today, so i packed and walked to EcoMarine and rented my weight belt again; and saw a sign that BICA (where i volunteered, and is closed) is having a benefit there on Sunday to raise money ... starts at 3:30 ... something to do !!!!!!   :)

i walked to Chepes and looked at the water ... it doesn't look less windy down here!!  ... i debated again ... took some photos ... you can see the mountains on the mainland of Honduras today across the sea ... and you can see it's a bit choppy out there ...

... i decided to quit being such a 'woosie' and get in the water !

i snorkeled quite a way towards Coral View where i was yesterday, seeing the usual suspects.... always looking for something different, and found a few things ...

this is not a snake, but a type of Garden Eel, and i can't identify it

... a TigerTail Sea Cucumber ...looks like one too ... but if you disturb it, it immediately shrivels up ... kinda gross ... i didn't do it today, but i've seen it done...
TigerTail Sea Cucumber
Neon Goby - 1+" long
Donkey Dung Sea Cucumber ... really!
Feather Duster ... another worm that withdraws into it's tube when disturbed
all the time i spent trying to photograph my RedLip Blenny yesterday ... and here was another one !
RedLip Blenny
posing so sweetly for me ... a few quick shots and i was done ...
RedLip Blenny in a nice Star Coral
and if that wasn't enough, .... i thought i discovered another one ... but, no, it's still a RedLip, but a Gray color variation ...
RedLip Blenny ... with a Gray variation
Caption:   'but it looks like a long way down!'

it was getting even more choppy and i decided to head back in .... i stopped in the shallow water and spent some time with these little fishes ....

fish identification becomes very difficult because they go through so many stages in their development and can change drastically from one to the next ... this is a Blue Tang, Juvenile ... totally yellow, and when it grows it will become totally blue ! ...
Blue Tang - Juvenile
and he was very accommodating today ...
Blue Tang - Juvenile

this is another fish that is difficult to identify correctly ... it's a DamselFish ... and i'm going with a LongFin DamselFish ...because the dorsal and anal fins extend beyond the base of the tail .... and i'm quite proud of this photo, because they move very quickly  :)
LongFin DamselFish - Juvenile
Social FeatherDuster -- worms inside tubes
Social FeatherDuster - worms inside tubes

i saw a coral head with a Giant Anemone and decided to take a photo, and noticed there were a couple little bright red shrimp inside it ....  this was my find for the day !!!!!!!!

i was busy with my camera and nose right down there close, ....then looked down, and noticed there was something under the coral head kicking out sand.   whoa !   ... did i have my face right in a Moral Eel's home ?????    i pulled back quickly !!!!!!!!     ....and looked more closely, and saw this to the right side of the coral head....
does it look like anything to you ?'s the same color as the broken coral pieces ...
what do you see here ... sticking out from under the coral head ? first thought was 'Octopus' !!!!!!!!!!
i saw one several years ago at Roatan... briefly... for about 1 second as it slid it's last 'arm' into the smallest of holes in a piece of coral .... i've been wanting to see one ever since ! ...

he obviously wasn't happy where he was, and started coming out from from under the coral head ... now i was sure it was an Octopus !!!!!!!! 
at this point, i knew it was an Octopus !

he was perfectly safe in there ... why did he want to leave?
.... he started crawling up the side of the coral ...

at this point, ... i didn't know what to think ....

...and then it took off .... was it going to attack me ?

.... it was swimming, floating around the coral head...  and away from me :)

... i couldn't believe what i was seeing .... it was fully extended, and in the light, turned a beautiful light turquoise color .... !!!!!!!    

.... and came right around to the other side of the coral head ... he was probably 18" across ....

...and slid down the side, obviously just where he wanted to be ... this is the exact color it was !

...and he settled back under the same coral,  .... but on the other side ....
look at the 3 little red shrimps peeking their heads out, wondering what was going on ....

WoW ... that was exciting !
... Octopus are nocturnal, and almost never seen during the day time ... they are considered to be very intelligent, maze and problem-solving experiments have shown evidence of a memory system that can store both short- and long-term memory. 
 .... so what was going on here?

i looked back at the other side, where he came from, and saw the possible issue ... there was a King Helmet Conch under there with him.   .... i think it was the Conch that i saw pushing the sand out, right under where the anemone was  .... and he probably couldn't get out on that side, and maybe there wasn't room for both of them .... and the Conch wanted out and the Octopus was in his way ?????  ... i'm speculating ...

more on Octopus ... 
--octopus have three hearts, ....two pump blood through each of the two gills, while the third pumps blood through the body.
--octopus can lose an arm to escape a predator's grasp and re-grow it later with no permanent damage

--sadly, reproduction is a cause of death: males can only live for a few months after mating, and females die shortly after their eggs hatch.   ...they neglect to eat during the (roughly) one-month period spent taking care of their unhatched eggs, eventually dying of starvation. In a scientific experiment, removal of both optic glands after spawning was found to result in cessation of broodiness, resumption of feeding, increased growth, and greatly extended lifespans.

whatever the reason for the Octopus moving ... the King Helmet Conch was leaving too ... for good ...he headed out through the Turtle Grass and never looked back .
King Helmet Conch, leaving the coral head
the King Helmet Conch is quite unusual to see as well ... of course, i know Conch, but never heard of a Helmet Conch.
They have an interesting way of feeding on sea urchins. They slowly creep up to their prey, raise the heavy shell  high, then quickly drop the shell so that the urchin is completely covered.   Sea Urchin spines contain a poison, so the Helmet Conch releases a paralytic enzyme from its salivary gland, then it secretes sulphuric acid which dissolves the sea urchin shell in about 10 minutes after which it can then eat the contents of the Urchin.  

they are beautiful ... but brutal !
King Helmet Conch, moving surprisingly fast through the Turtle Grass

when i left, the Octopus was happily tucked back under the coral .... was he as bewildered as i was at what just happened ?
little shrimps are still there ...

i really hated to leave, but i think that was it for the Octopus for today ...
several new 'finds' in one day !

as i was putting my stuff in my bag ... this dropped out ...
Reticulated BrittleStar Fish

it's a Reticulated BrittleStar Fish .... a very very tiny one.   he must have gotten caught in my bootie as i was getting out of the water .... i put him back in the water, and he started moving ... they can regrow their arms, so i'm sure he will be fine  :)

you may have noticed that i am watching a lot of movies....  the guy that runs the theater is trying to show all of the movies that are up for an Academy Award .... this is really something new for me ... i rarely go to the movies, and never see a film before the Awards are announced ...
tonight's movie was Nebraska, up for Best Picture ....with Bruce Dern, who is up for Best Actor ... very slow moving, black and white, kinda boring, but it was funny in parts, kinda cute, and actually very true to life these days ....
so far ... i've not been too impressed with the nominations .... i guess i'm just a 'light-hearted' movie watcher ... and light-hearted movies don't get nominated  :(

oh ... Paco and Tulum showed up at the theater ... they are leaving on Fri  ... :(

what a day !

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

23 Feb, Sun

Coral View Snorkel

it didn't look as windy today, so i thought i'd do some snorkeling ... i got an early start so i decided to walk down to Coral View ... 

on my way, i stopped at EcoMarine Dive Shop and rented a weight belt and a 3# weight, so i'm not so bouyant when i dive down to take photos.   ...hope it works !

Coral View is a resort that has a dock/deck that sits over the water, they let you use it, if you buy something, plus it's a bit more secure to leave your bag there   .... it also makes for an easy entry to snorkel, meaning you don't have to wade through sand, grass, broken coral, and possible sea urchins to get into the water.   .... the downside is that is about a 40min walk from where i live ....  

the Coral View Dock is big and 2 story ... i walked up top ..... in this photo, you can see Utila town ... waaaaaaaaaayyy in the back ground ...

View from Coral View Deck towards Utila Town

here is what the surface looks like where i snorkeled ...
Coral View Snorkel Site

the dark brown areas are huge beds of coral and there is only about 1+ feet of water covering them,  (you can see the wave breaking over the top) ...  sometimes you can swim over the top of them, if you're careful not to scrape your belly on the coral;  ... or you have to find one of the trenches that leads out to the deep.

this is a photo of one of the trenches, with the coral gardens on each side, you can see how close the top of the coral is to the surface ... and i know, it looks pretty dead  :(

Brown Coral Beds line Trench to Open Water

i got in the water at 12:50pm, the entry is shallow and the water is really warm  :)   you can see lots of small fishes here, up close and personal .... i immediately saw this TrumpetFish ... actually surprised to see it in such shallow water ...

Trumpet Fish

after you make your way through the trenches, there is a steep wall of coral, and then it drops off into the deep blue .... it makes a nice background for photos ...

Sea Fan Coral
Elkhorn Coral with fishes
Brain Corals, Sea Fans, and Sponges
Fire Coral, Sea Fans, and Vase Sponges

i found this lobster in one of the crevices in the coral.    the Lobsters here are few and far between ... and you don't see them on the menu here like you do in Belize.   There is a "Responsible SeaFood Guide", posted everywhere, designed to provide information to restaurants, retailers and consumers about responsible and sustainable seafood choices. The program is aimed at steering people away from species that are already over exploited or endangered by providing alternative best choices.    most restaurants are now 'on-board' with the program ....  the over-fishing here is horrible!

Caribbean Reef Lobster

i love the YellowTail DamselFish, especially when they are juveniles ... but they are almost impossible to get a picture of ... that is in focus ..... did i say that i usually took 8-10 photos of one fish before i got one that was any good? ..... i took 29 photos of this Yellow Tail DamselFish!   ... this is the only one that turned out ...

YellowTail DamselFish - Juvenile

these are Bearded FireWorms .... this beautiful brightly colored one was about 3/4" wide and 8" long ..... do NOT touch these guys !

Bearded FireWorm
Bearded FireWorm

came across another TrumpetFish

i'd snorkeled for awhile heading east towards town, but i got to a certain point and the waves really picked up, and i was getting cold, so started my way back in ...

then i saw another YellowTailed DamselFish and started watching it ... they are so pretty, with their electric blue spots on their tiny black bodies .... this is a younger one, and does not have it's 'yellow tail' yet ....they are even harder to catch in a photo .... one thing for sure .... i'll continue trying :) 

YellowTail DamselFish - Juvenile without Yellow Tail yet

at 1:53pm this fish caught my attention, it looked like it was standing on bright orange 'legs' !  ...  funny ....


i realized it was some kind of a 'blenny' ... but i didn't know what kind .... it was about 3" long   ....  and i started taking pictures ...

i don't think i've ever taken so many pictures out of focus ... i am using a different camera (Canon D10), and i'm wondering if i need to re-read the manual :(

he actually posed like this for over a minute .... that is a LONG LONG time for a fish like this to stay in one place ... posing just for me !    ..... i took 12 shots, plus a video,  and this is the only one that was in focus  .... so many miss opportunities ....  :(

RedLip Blenny

but at this point, i was sure it was a RedLip Blenny ...i've never seen one, and not sure i've ever heard of one, ... but that had to be the name ... look at those RED LIPS !

the RedLip Blenny are herbivors, and feed on algae .... (and he was really ripping into it!)   ..... but have 2 long sharp canine teeth, which you can see at the corner of it's mouth in this photo ... used against other fish to defend it's territory .... you can also see his little 'horns' ... and the 'curly hairs' under his eyes ...

the Male RedLip takes care of the eggs, and it does something non-typical .... it has an organ that produces antimicrobial substances; he rubs this gland over the nest's internal surface during spawning to protect the eggs ... more amazing fish facts  :)  ... they have a rather odd-shaped body ... more like an eel ...

RedLip Blenny

towards the end of my photographing, i saw this Baby RedLip Blenny .... he was so tiny ... about <1" ...
Little Baby RedLip Blenny

in all, i 'hovered' over the reef for 27Min, and took over 100 pictures of the RedLip Blenny ... that is a record for me ... perserverance should pay off ... i was excited to get home and see what i had ... unfortuantely i was a little unhappy with the results ... but, in my defense ... the waves had picked while i was in the water, and i was really being tossed about over the top of this reef.    ..... i look at my video and i see just how much i was being tossed about  ... i could not hold the camera steady .... my excuse and i'm sticking with it  :)

here is a video of how quickly the YellowTail DamselFish and the RedLip Blenny move, and how difficult it was to hold the camera steady ... hope it doesn't make you seasick !   :)

2:23pm i called it quits and headed for the Dock ... i was getting pretty cold by then,  ... at 2:35 i crawled out of the water, and the couple that was there, when i went in, said, "welcome back!"  .... i was in the water for 1.5+hrs ... that's a long time for most people to be in the water, but about normal for me   :) .....    it was really windy when i got out,   ...but it was sunny and i sat behind the little building out of the wind, and warmed up ... ahhhhhhh yes!

i stopped to get another piece of Key Lime Pie, but she was out ... :(

the movie tonight was "12 Years a Slave" ... a true story ... i really debated back and forth on this one.   it's nominated for Best Picture and it's supposed to be a very good movie, but a heavy depressing hard-to-watch one.   i wanted to watch it, but knew how i would feel (disgusted, angry, sad ) ... and decided not to torture myself, and have go to bed with those feelings  :(  
...i think it was the right choice ...

a good day snorkeling ... finding a new fish  ... RedLip Blenny   :)