Wednesday, February 5, 2014

29 Jan, Wed

moved back into the Pink Cabana ... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh    :)
and Dulce is happy to be here again too.     i guess this is a 'selfie'

he is such a cuddler  !

Andrew and Jim are frequent visitors to play with Dulce ... they both really like him  :)  ....i am hoping that Andrew will take him back to Seattle when he leaves ....

my latest project:   ... this was the shower and the pipe for the shower was embedded into the wall, once they removed the shower pipe, there was a huge long hole/gouge in the concrete, and we had nothing to fill the hole with ... before photo

so i tried to disguise the remnants with a painting of a coconut tree ... what do you think ?     ...can you see the indentation any more ?   :)

had some excitement this afternoon ... the plaster on the ceiling in Madi's room fell down.   we could see the huge crack and knew it would happen sooner or later ... everyone was just hoping it wouldn't fall and hit someone on the head  :(    .... luckily it missed Madi today by a foot or 2  :)      .... so Gavin started pulling all of it down that was loose.... 
and tried to not get hit in the head in the process ... this one was close

Jim and Andrew carried the broken pieces and dumped them on the street in front of the house, to try to fill in the holes ..... yep, that's the way we do it here in Belize  :)

Dulce is quite comfortable sleeping right next to me, and (generally) just sleeps,  .... with a few laps around the room, and chewing on my hair, mixed in there, since he is just a kitten   :)    .... and he is really stealing my heart  :(

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