Friday, February 7, 2014

2 Feb, Sun

i had a headache all night last night and upset stomach  ...not sure why.   and i didn't feel much better the rest of the day either.

it was a hot one today; and when i got up i wished i had chose to dive today instead of yesterday.  but, i got a message from Ken saying that his dive this morning was cancelled ... i guess it's still pretty rough outside the reef.    we never really can tell where we are on the back-side of the island ... very calm here ...

so i worked on and finished the double doors in the toilet ...

darn ... the LionFish in the bottom right side doesn't show up very well ;(

Madi's cousin, Alex, brought in a pelican that has a broken wing ... he said he's going to take it to the Animal Medical Center ... i can't imagine they can do anything for it    :(

i also repaired some of the fence around the property and put up a new sign.   one couple said they had a hard time finding us.    "PAUSE" is the name Madi has given to her Hostel ...  cute, huh?

the group went to Bambooze for dinner.   i still was not feeling well, so i didn't waste a lobster dinner on my stomach.   i had some fish and mashed potatoes  :)     it's Super Bowl Sunday, (ho hum)  ....they all went to the Sports Bar and i went home ...

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