Saturday, February 22, 2014

19 Feb, Wed


a beautiful morning ..... a perfect day to go to Water Caye !    i did my, now normal, routine of computer time, then fixed a sandwich, packed my snorkel stuff and walked to Bush's.    2 other women were going.   Mother and Daughter-in-Law, both from Florida, and the Mother was born here on Caye Caulker and left when she was 14.   she had only been back here twice, once 25 yrs ago.   she was very interesting to talk with. there was also a guy from Greece and one from Italy, 35ish maybe.   it was a very nice group, ...

Water Caye is a small un-inhabited island about a 15min boat ride (US$15) from Utila Town.   the island is rustic with absolutely nothing on it; but it has a beautiful white sandy beach ..............
i've been here several times before and have always enjoyed the snorkeling, so i was excited to be back

it's so pretty out there .... just how you expect an uninhabited island to be like ...

there are 3 other islands out there close by ... 2 on the West side ...
2 small islands to the West
clear turquoise waters ... Mr Italy  :)

and this island to the East ...

you could swim to 2 of the islands, but i never have ... maybe i should have done that today ... just to explore ... ... maybe next time  ...
it was REALLY windy today.    Mr Italy and i walked to the west end to snorkel ... we snorkeled around the south side for just a little while, and saw this Stoplight ParrotFish ....
Stoplight ParrotFish  (terminal phase)

but it was really choppy and because of the wind, the sand was really stirred up and visibility wasn't good, it looked like it was snowing under the water.   plus, that area is mostly dead corals.   

he said it was prettier OUT of the water and he was going in .... he was right to an extent ... but for me ... i have to be IN the water, ......   i tried the west end, it was a little calmer, but not much going on except this Stoplight ParrotFish ....

Stoplight ParrotFish   (initial phase)

...and then walked over to the east side, where i remembered it to be calmer .....
it wasn't calmer, but i snorkeled anyway, and there were more fish there and a few more live corals.  
i saw this school as soon as i entered the water in the shallows ...
Horse-Eye Jacks  (i think)

i did see the TrumpetFish, even though he thought he was hiding ......see him?
Trumpet Fish camouflaged among branching coral

Sea Grapes

i accidentally knocked over a dead piece of coral, and disturbed these two Brittle StarFish ... the Black one is a Blunt-Spined BrittleStar and the lighter colored one is a Reticulated BrittleStar.    you don't usually see these guys moving this fast; but they were anxious to get under the cover of a rock to safety ... sorry  :)

it wasn't an excellent snorkeling or picture-taking day  ... which always disappoints me a little; ... but i loved it just the same !      i snorkeled until i was cold;   ... since it was so windy, all the cold water from the 'deep' was being brought into the shallows.

when i got out, it was difficult for me to warm up because the wind was so cool ... it took awhile of standing in the sun to get warm ... but that's just me :(  .... no one else was cold ... they were all sitting in the shade

on our way home, we stopped at Pigeon Caye for something to eat and take a very short walk.   Pigeon Caye is small too, but VERY inhabited ... lots of local people on this tiny island.   i tried their famous "Fish Burger' ... and i'm glad i did, ... now, i don't ever have to have one again  :(

after the necessary duties, i went to the movie of the night .....  'Her' with Joaquin Phoenix .... he played a very sensitive role,  ....another unusual movie  ... and i enjoyed it ... but so far, the movie Last Vegas was the best .... the kind of movie that i enjoy   :)

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