Sunday, February 9, 2014

5 Feb, Wed

i got up and started repacking my bags ... again .... i wished i could just leave, but since i'm not ready, and i'm not finished with the toilets ... i moved back into my second home with Madi and her Mom.

i ran more errands for Madi in the early afternoon.   took the bottles to the Recycling Center ... what an ordeal that is !!!!!!!!!!!!    ....  every guy working there has their own job.   one guy greeted me ... i used that term loosely ... he grunted and pointed to some crates, and i assumed i was to put my bottles in the proper crates.   after finishing that, i went to him, and he grunted and pointed to another door and a desk with no one sitting at it.    eventually a guy showed up, unfriendly, and i followed him outside so he could count my bottles... of course, there were 3 people in front of me, so i waited my turn.   eventually he returned to his desk and began the task of filling out a printed form with how many bottles and their value.   he gave the paper to me and pointed to another window.   the girl behind the window (it was VERY air conditioned in there) then entered all the info from the printed form, into a computer, and finally gave me my $$$ and a receipt ... which i needed to return to the guy at the desk.    i also wanted to refill a 5gal bottle of water ... which required another piece of paper and another guy.   i think i was there 40min and got B$7.05 .... just over US$3.50 .....   the next time you go to Meijers and return your bottles ... count your blessings for automation.   i am thankful, however, that they actually are RECYLING   :)

Andrew posted this photo on FaceBook with the following comment:

"It was a long day, had a few extra lines to deal with through customs but he did great! He slept with us all night and cuddled with me all morning" and "it's nice to have him in the bedroom because he always wants to be near us"

i am SO jealous  :(

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