Saturday, February 15, 2014

11 Feb, Tues

Moving Day

i've only been at the Utila Hotel for 3 days, but i already had everything scattered all around the room.   :(    ...  i spent the morning organizing and packing.    went to the ATM, but they only allow a withdrawal of 4000Lempiras ... > US$200  .... they do this because they charge you every time you use the ATM, so they can just get more $$$ out of you .... i'm on to their game ... i went inside the bank ... wooooweee, it sure is air conditioned in there.    i needed to get a lot of money, to pay Utila Hotel and the new place wants 3weeks upfront.

packed my bags and said goodbye to Annie and Annie ... i told them i was sorry to leave, but it was just too noisy for me there ... they said they were sorry to have me go, but understood.

hailed a taxi and i arrived at my new 'home'  ...

i'm on the second floor in the building w/palm tree in front
enter into living room/kitchen ... yes you see Cable TV and A/C ... neither will be used :) also have WiFi that works IN my apartment!  ....stove, microwave, and refrigerator ... with a freezer .... i can make ICE ! :)
Living Room/Kitchen
 from front door looking to back door --- nice breeze through here !

through the back door ....  a view of this lagoon
view from balcony overlooking the lagoon

my porch/balcony with hammock

bedroom w/ceiling fan plus another fan on the wall
i also have a dresser so i can put clothes in it ... and ... it has a mirror :)    ...i've found that there usually there aren't many mirrors around here  ... so it's pretty special  :)

... and my bathroom...

i have a medicine cabinet that opens and i can put my 'stuff' in it ... and ... it has a mirror :)

and... i have hot water too ! ... this 'electrical nightmare' provides hot water only when i need it ... why don't we have these in the states? bothers me when i have to run the water for 2min while i wait for the hot water to get all the way to the kitchen from the hot water tank.'s such a waste of water !    ...this invention is brilliant, even if it is a bit scary ... the first time i saw one of these, i wasn't sure i wanted to electrocute myself  !

i am VERY HAPPY here .... how could i not be ??????????    it's very peaceful and quiet, and i finally feel like i can settle in and relax.   i normally am able to do that while at Madi's, but this year, because of the construction, i spent most of my time in a room with her and her Mom, with only a few days in the Pink Cabana, and then packing and unpacking ... so, now i finally can get 'settled'   :)

i had a 1:30 meeting with Lucie at the Whale Shark Office ... not what i expected ... she has been putting together a Volunteer Program that is not finished yet; so she said she really doesn't have anything for me to do ... but she knows about my past volunteer history there, and she would be happy to invite me to just come out on a Whale Shark boat when they go out.   well.... ok ... i thanked her, .... i'm excited, but also disappointed .... and i am wondering what i will do while i am here  :(

so i went home, ... since i now have a kitchen  ... i can cook, and save money not eating out ... ok, i'm going to try to prepare meals here ... i don't do this very well when i am at home, so we'll see how it goes here!   ....i went to several groceries stores ... or ... small markets.   they have small markets here, like they do in Belize ... except they are NOT run by the Chinese :) ... they are all locally owned.    but they are similar in that they have an array of products, and you never know who might have what on what day.   there is also a store called Bush's ... local, but they carry 'xpat' foods ... things and brands that you would find in the US, ... and of course, at a high price!     so i visited several stores, saving Bush's for the last, and bought some staples; and the produce boat came in today, so i got some fresh produce too.   ...we'll see if it turns into a 'science project' in my refrigerator here like it does at home  :)   ...probably faster, since they don't use preservatives ...

i know all this doesn't seem like such a big deal to you all there, but it really is for me  :)       i've never had any place to live that is so nice while i am gone for the winter ... and it's not been a problem, because i'm never there ... but given the news today, that i won't be volunteering at the Whale Shark office, i'll probably be spending more time 'at home' ... so it will be nice to be comfortable ...

..maybe i'll even learn to read  :)    ...and just lay in a hammock ... both a challenge for me  :( rent here is just a little more than i was paying at Utila Hotel, but ... i have to pay for my electricity extra.   so i went around an unplugged everything i'm not using, first thing i unplugged was the TV  :)    i also have to buy my own water, soap, and TP ... it will add up, .... plus i spent a LOT on groceries today .. and it's so much easier to just eat out  :(
i did fix myself a tuna sandwich, with parsley, onions, tomatoes, and avocado ... that's a good start .... but then i went out to dinner  :( 

another movie tonight ... Captain Phillips .... certainly a different movie from the fun-filled laughing at last night's movie .... i was exhausted at the end... but a good film.

so, to bed in my new home  :)

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