Monday, February 10, 2014

6 Feb, Thurs

my last day on Caye Caulker ... i'm still researching the easiest way to get to Utila; so i don't know HOW i'm getting there, but i am leaving tomorrow.    i had thought i might be able to go on a dive trip to the Blue Hole and have them drop me off in Dangriga, which would be on my way to Utila; but that is not going to happen because of timing and the expiration of my visa.     this is typically a 2night stay on the journey to get there ... and i am really wanting to do it with only 1 night ... without the US$250 cost of flying.  

all my options were getting tangled up in my brain and i needed to clear my mind.   so i went for my last order of Mini Donuts :( ... and went for a walk on the beach ...   i had my camera and took some photos of the properties on the east side of the island ...

Typical Sand Street
Typical Shore Scene

oh, and this one ..... at the end of the San Pedro Water Taxi dock ....

i wanted to take a kayak out before i left too ... nothing like waiting until the last day to do all the things i could have done in a month  :)    .... the 2 regular size kayaks were already being used, so i grabbed one of the baby ones.     i didn't plan on going far, actually just wanted to hang around the mangroves and look for SeaHorses.    so my baby kayak was a perfect fit for me ....

i was not successful in finding any SeaHorses; but i did see this Short Nosed Bat Fish .... poor thing ... he is so ugly   :(     ...and if this is a 'short' nose, i can't imagine what a 'long' nose would look like   :)

and look at the hairs on the end of his nose  ...   ewwwwwwwwwwww

i also found this very white Anemone among all the conch shells ....

just north of Madi's there is a place next to the mangroves where very large Tarpon fish congregate.   i've heard about this place since my first year here, 5 yrs ago, but have never checked it out ... seems to be the day to do it ... unfortunately, the visibility is very poor ....
it's tough to get a perspective on size .... these guys are 3-4 feet long ...

they say there is a huge sink hole here and a tunnel that goes to the other side of the island ...  ???

while i was there i also saw this Night Heron up in the tree ... so i zoomed in for a closer look ... pretty bird ...

hanging around under the mangroves, i stuck my camera in the water among the mangrove roots.    the Mangroves are very important for the life of the sea.     Many little fishes live the first part of their lives there, thanks to the protection of the Mangroves ...

not a bad little video considering i couldn't see what i was filming ... :)

before i came in  i took this photo of Madi's place ... with the new siding and new blue paint job !'s coming right along !

when i got back, i showered and washed my hair in my new shower.  while i was in there Madi asked me to go to the store to buy more cat food.   when i got back from there i talked to Madi about my options.    it helps to talk it out sometimes, and with her help, we agreed it will be the easiest to take the 'recently new' Water Taxi service from Belize City to Puerto Cortes, Honduras, 5 hrs and US$75.   so i went to buy my ticket for the 6:30 am water taxi to Belize City for tomorrow.

got back to Madi's and was getting ready to go to dinner, when the lights went out ... again.    after 45min i take my laptop and walk into town to see which restaurants were still open and serving food.    when i got into town, i looked south and saw lights!     the power was out on only half the island.   so i walked to Marins, ordered, started working on my blog using their WiFi,  .... about 10min later ... their lights went out  :(     most of  these restaurants can still serve food .... not because of generators, but i think they cook with gas ...   so i was able to eat my ceviche by candle light and started for home.   when i got out to the main street, i could see that the lights were now on at the north end of the island!    .... when i got to the 'powered' area, ALL the lights went out.   that lasted another 20min, then they all came back on.

i spent the rest of the night packing.

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