Saturday, February 15, 2014

12 Feb, Wed


i finally got a message from my friend who i was going to share an apartment with.   he had been sending me messages, but for some reason .... i wasn't getting them. ....  it's too bad because it would have been a LOT cheaper to stay with him; but unfortunately i've already paid for 3 weeks here  :(

i walked to the Whale Shark center to see if they would be having a boat going out today.    yes, they are scheduled, but they need a minimum of 5 (paying) customers and they only had 4 ... so a couple of the volunteers and i stood outside and recruited.   yes, we found another couple who wanted to go.  yipee!

and, Captain Albert saw one this morning, so the chances are good that we would see one today.    i went back home, fixed a tuna sandwich, packed, and returned.    we left the dock about 1:45.    the seas were quite calm today, and once we got out a ways, Captain Albert spotted TWO possible sites.   he is looking for a 'BOIL" ... it looks like the water is boiling ... from so many fish, usually tuna, splashing and jumping out of the water.   there should also be birds flying overhead trying to pick off the fish.    this indicates that the Whale Shark is 'rounding up' it's next meal.   Whale Sharks are 'filter-feeders', they open their huge (up to 5feet) mouth and take in water, expel the water out through their gills, filtering the food with 350 tiny teeth, and digest the plankton, krill, shrimp, larvae and algae.    they are not a Whale, they are the largest fish in the sea, and they eat the smallest.  generally it swims horizontally through the water to feed, but around Utila, it mostly feeds in a vertical position, ....coming up from the bottom through the water ... it is speculated this is because our 'boils' are not as large as in other areas.
Capt Albert has good eyes, because it took me awhile to see what he was looking at ... way on the horizon, he could see white birds flying.    we chose the closest one and approached slowly.

there wasn't much of a 'boil', but there were a few fish jumping out of the water and some birds.   we watched as it moved from place to place, but never came to anything ... so we left.
we road around for a couple of hours ... seeing nothing  :( high hopes were beginning to diminish, and i was thinking for sure i was 'bad luck'  :(   .... i was up on the 'bridge' with Capt Albert and he said he was waiting for the almost-full moon to come up, then he thought we'd see one.  
he was right ... about 4pm ... he spotted a 'boil'

it took awhile, but eventually we saw 'parts' of the Whale Shark.   he has to carefully position the boat close to the Whale Shark so the snorkelers can slide into the water and see it.    only 8 people are allowed in the water with a Whale Shark, including Lucie; we had 2 groups .... i was in the second group .... keeping my fingers crossed that this wouldn't be the only opportunity.

the Whale Shark came along side the boat, and Albert started yelling 'GO GO GO GO' ... and in the water they went .... it only lasts for less than a minute .... and then the Whale Shark is out of sight.   he isn't really fleeing from us, just cruising, looking for food.    the first group were so excited and got back into the boat.  

our group was hopeful as we got our snorkel gear on while Albert followed the Whale Shark and slowly positioned the boat for our encounter.   so, we're sitting on the back of the boat, with our feet in the water, (my fins are white) ...cameras ready ...

Capt Albert was shouting: "GO GO GO GO on the left" ... and i was on the left side of the boat, i slid into the water... it was right along side of me !!!!!!!!!!! 
..... i am swimming with a Whale Shark .... well, at least in the water together :)    it really is awesome ... but it goes so fast ... my video is 37seconds long, and really only 20 seconds before he was getting away from me ... i was swimming/kicking as hard as i could, but he disappeared into the blue .....  it just makes you want MORE !!!!!!!

and there was more ... the first group got ready again and this time, the Whale Shark swam right along the side of the boat

and swam right at them ..........

this is not my photo, ... i wish i could have had one swim right at me ! ...
but, we got our second turn as well ... when i got in the water i almost on top of it ... all i could see was spots and bubbles

going ...
going ...
gone ...
30 seconds later (by the clock on my camera) and it was over ....

me and my camera, swimming as fast as i can to try to keep up ... impossible !
we all shared our videos and i put this one together, along with some narrative ...

we were all very excited, as Albert took us home ...
up on the 'bridge' with Capt Albert
walked home and got cleaned up ....
i didn't have time to eat dinner, and i was going to make some popcorn in the microwave, but i was afraid i would get attacked at the theater  :)  .... so i stopped at the store and bought some Cheetos  :(   
tonight's movie was 'August: Osage County'  .... well, if last night's movie was intense, this one was rather dark and depressing.   having said that .... i also have to say that Meryl Streep is one fantastic actress... her performance in this movie was outstanding! was my day   :)

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