Thursday, February 20, 2014

16 Feb, Sun

A Morning Dive

my alarm woke me up, and when i looked outside, i was not pleased.   there were heavy dark clouds over most of the sky.    do i want to dive today?   .... not really  :( 7:20 i walked to the Dive Shop to see if Sue was there and still wanted to dive.   she said she did .... so i got my gear organized in the boat.   we were hopeful it would clear up.   we headed out to the other side of the island, but after we made the turn past the islands, it was too rough to go to the planned Dive Site, so we stopped at a Dive Site called Spotted Bay.

it still wasn't raining, but it was very cloudy; .... and when it's cloudy, it's not as bright and colorful underwater as it is when the sun is shining.   it was a good dive ... i was impressed at how many fishes we saw ... awesome !

i know you won't believe this, but i left my camera on the boat  :(     Sue has some very expensive equipment and took she took this photo of two White Spotted FileFish ... they are awesome fish, and she captured them perfectly !

she also took this photo of me at one point when the sun was shining :)

when we surfaced, the weather wasn't any better, so we returned to the Bay and prepared to dive the Laguna Beach site where it was calmer.    as i was getting my equipment on, it started to rain.   you cannot tell if it is raining when you are under the water, so i was anxious to get in !    i took my camera with me this time  :)   ...and returned the favor and took this photo of Sue, and her equipment, taking a photo of a Scrawled FileFish

i also took a photo of the same Scrawled FileFish...  :)

and she took a photo of me, ..... taking a photo of it  :)

...that was fun  :)

there weren't as many fish at this dive site; but there was a lot of pretty colorful corals and sponges ...

Blue Bell Tunicate

the HIGHLIGHT of the day ... our Dive Master spotted a little SeaHorse ..

there were a few other fish ...

Yelllow Tail DamselFish

vibrant Blue Chromis and a Stoplight ParrotFish doing what they do

Blue Chromis with Fan Coral, Sponges and other corals
Four Eye Butterfly Fish among Fan Coral
Blue Chromis with Rope Sponge, Sea Plume, StagHorn Coral, Vase Sponge, and Fan Coral
despite the fact that there wasn't any sun to brighten our views, it was very pretty ... even the ones that weren't so colorful ...

when i climbed back in the boat, i realized i had water in my right ear that would not drain .... grrrrrrrrr, that's an annoying feeling, .. kinda like you're drunk  :)    the sun came out as we were heading for the shore.   i got my gear together and brought it home, rinsed it off, and hung it on the line ... about that time ..... it POURED down rain ... it stopped, and started again ... even worse ...  so now everything is rain-water rinsed fresh  ;)

the rest of the day was pretty nice, but i stayed inside working on my photos.   i put some drops in my ears and laid down to try to clear the water luck

i walked to a couple stores, looking for some things, then came back and practiced laying in the hammock ... i lasted about 15 min ... pretty good for my first time   :)

my ear finally drained ...yeahhhh, and i went to RJs for dinner.   it's on 'my' end of town and they are open Wed, Fri, and Sun .... i saw 2 Whale Shark volunteers and sat with them until they left for the theater ... i had Grilled Snapper ... it was good ...

i came home, walked out on the balcony and saw the full moon ...

so i played around a bit ... trying to write my 'dp' with the moon as my pen  ...

and some 'abstract art'    :)

and that was my Sunday on Utila

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