Monday, February 10, 2014

8 Feb, Sat


i get up at 3:30am and am waiting for my 4am taxi.   the 'security guard' kid was sleeping on the sofa and woke up speaking Spanish.... ??? .... something about one person in a taxi being expensive, and an early taxi being expensive ... at least that was my translation.   what?   was he trying to get more $$ out of me?   i explained the taxi had already been ordered, ... i found the notebook at the desk with my name and 4am clearly written on it.   but, no taxi .... i asked him to call the taxi ... he couldn't find the phone, then he said no one answered because it was early ... i asked him to call the lady ... he wouldn't ... took me and showed me the car and said something about US$20 to go to the bus terminal.   now i'm pissed ... i showed some violence by pounding my fist into my hand .... he went back in and called the lady .... then went to wake up his brother to take me to the bus terminal ... then he wanted US$5, ... i said, 'for what?'  ... i said i would give it to the driver, but the driver agreed to give it to him ... so i did ... i got to the terminal, took my own luggage out of the car while the driver just sat there .... i did give him a tip .... i figured it wasn't his fault .... hindsight .. i shouldn't have  :) 
... i have no idea what happened to the original plans for the 4am taxi, and probably never will ...  maybe if i see Miguel and Jessie, they will have some info....
  ....great way to start my day  :(

the bus terminal in San Pedro Sula is really a large Shopping Mall, with a bus terminal attached, it was dark and empty :(   ... a nice man off the street came up to me, i showed him my ticket and he directed me to the bus ... i tipped him...

i loaded my luggage into the bottom of the bus, found a place to buy a juice and boarded the bus.   it was a nice 'cushy' bus, but it was not a 'direct' bus, it stopped at several little towns along the way ... but it was much nicer than the regular 'chicken bus' that stops for every-single-person-along-the-side-of-the-road.    i was a little worried about getting there in time for the Ferry, but i made it with a little time to spare.   i tried to sleep (had 2 seats to myself) most of the way, .... when it got light, it was a beautiful drive .... i mean the scenery was beautiful ... you don't want to pay any attention to the driving ...   Honduras is so green and lush, with the misty mountains in the distance, and they were harvesting pineapples along the way.

at 8:30, i got off the bus, grabbed my luggage, and found a taxi driver.    ...he tried to get US$10 to take me to the Ferry, but i knew it was US$5 and he accepted  :)    purchased my ticket for the Ferry and went to one of the stands for something to eat ... in Caye Caulker they call this a Fry Jack ... here it's called an Empanada ... ... fried dough with a tiny little bit of ham and cheese in it  .... real healthy  :)

i also found some orange slices in a bag ... also in the bag was a smaller bag with some seasoned salt in it.   i knew they used this salt for mangos ... but it was pretty good on oranges too.
i'm not usually one to initiate a conversation; but while we were waiting for the Ferry, i sat next to a couple, my age, maybe American, and i asked them where they were staying in Utila ... since i didn't know where i was staying ...  they are Jana and Ed and are from Florida and have a home here on Utila.    they had been renting it and learned that the renters had absolutely trashed the obviously once-beautiful 4 bedroom home with 200' of beach property ... :(     ..they were here to see the damage, start clean-up, and replacement efforts ... such a sad story.    a very nice couple, and we visited all the way to Utila.   when the Ferry docked and we got off the boat ..... i looked ... and we were not on the Utila dock ......  ?????? looked like the dock where Vern and the Catamaran used to dock .......   where the hell were we ????????     we were way west of town, over the bridge, and a long long walk to town.   Jana offered to give me a ride in their golf cart if i wanted to follow them.    they were staying with long-time friends, Utila residents, who were very nice and then i met other friends too.  it was nice, and we learned that they are building a new bigger dock, so this is the temporary one ... good business for the tuk-tuk (taxi) drivers during construction. 
a month or so ago, i had an offer from Paco (and his dog, Tulum) to share rent in a home that he was renting from a local.  i told him i wouldn't be here until Feb and understood if he found someone else in the meantime.   i sent him a message that i was on my way, but i haven't heard from him.   so Jana and Ed took me to Hotel Utila, where i stayed the last time i was here.   i'm in my same room as last time!   i liked it here, i feel safe, and they remembered me.    it's on the main drag and a bit noisy, but it's right next to the Whale Shark office if i end up volunteering there.

i used the internet for quite awhile, then walked next door to see if anyone was there from last time ... but no one was around that i knew .... except Shark Bait ... he's still a nice kitty ... i guess he didn't remember me  :)

the store where my little Valentine (kitty that i got spayed last time) wasn't open ... i sure hope she is still alive.   took a walk to see what has changed, and buy some groceries ... i found my favorite nutty healthy bread .... and check out prices on my favorite rum... Flora de Cana, from Nicaragua  :)

then i was fading fast ... i needed nap before i went to find something to eat ... i haven't eaten a 'meal' in 2 days ... i need a nap and then food .    i set my alarm for 1hr.
ok, so maybe this isn't where i want to stay .... little James used to ride his bicycle in the entry/hallway when i was here last time ... now he has a little kid-size motorcycle (still just as loud) that he rides in here ... and, there was a nice quiet garden next door, they made that into a park ... a park for KIDS  :(   .... they are screaming and yelling and swearing ....  i had to put in earplugs and still could hear them ....i gave up .... took a shower and started down the street.  

when i got to Skid Row (a restaurant/bar) i heard good music and saw a Reiner sitting in there.   he used to play in a band, and i was actually hoping they would be playing tonight since it is Sat night.   the band isn't together any longer  :(  ...but we had a nice visit.  Honduras has a new President, and Utila has a new Mayor; and he is very optimistic about both.   that's good news!    they have good pizza at Skid Row .. another night ...

i left and went to The Driftwood, a favorite place for good food, run by a couple from Texans.    Reiner said they smoked a pig leg all day today and recommended it.   that's what i had ... it was wonderful ... just a slight taste of smoke and they served it with perfectly cooked carrots and squash ... and .... peanut noodles ... YEAH ... something other than Rice and Beans !!!!!!!!!!  ... and i had a couple Flora de Cana rum and cokes ... another friend, Jungle Jim showed up and i spent the rest of the night talking with him.   and sadly, learned that the owner, Bruce, had died.   Bruce and Jungle were like brothers.    i talked with Bruce's wife, Sharon, who has had a difficult time, but it doing better now, running the restaurant, with the help of a lot of friends.   as you can imagine, friends are extremely important on an island.
i think i was the last one out of the bar .... walked home and stopped into the store across the street to see if Valentine the cat was there.    the guy said a cat comes in to eat ... i was hopeful.   i went outside and called and hear a little meow ... i'm hoping it's her, but it was dark and i couldn't tell.    i only got in a few 'strokes', she wouldn't let me get close enough to pick her up ... but i'm hopeful i can gain her confidence once again.  
back home i quickly fell asleep.

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