Wednesday, February 12, 2014

9 Feb, Sun

First Day on the Island of Utila

i worked on my blog again most of the morning .... then went for a walk and checked out some other options for my lodging .... there is one place just up the road, would be quieter, and still in the same vicinity i am in now.   i have to check back on Thurs to check availability.   also found another really cute little apartment that is on the other side of the 'town' .... not sure i really want to live there, but it is an option.   other places i checked had no vacancy.

took a few photos while i was out walking ....
from up on The Hill, looking down at the Bay
love this color !
these trees just seem strange here ... should be in downtown Naples instead  :)
lots of Hibiscus blooming now

i thought that Jana and Ed were going to stop by today, but i neglected to ask them what time ... i wasn't going to just sit here all day waiting, so i might have missed them if they stopped by.   

i love that Utila has a movie theater here .... it's a big screen too ... with comfy chairs that you are encouraged to put your feet on ...  L45  > US$2.22.    i checked out the schedule and i have movies i want to watch Mon, Tues, and Wed  :)

i walked down to Chepes Beach ... the free public beach, to catch the sunset ...

i ate at Babalu's tonight ... i believe that is the WORST meal i've had since i've left Kzoo ...  :(   won't be going back there again ...

i stopped at the store across the road again tonight.    the same guy was in there from last year, i...... i asked him if he remembered me.    he said he did.   i asked him about Valentine.... he said 'gone'.   my heart sank.  i asked what he meant by that .... he said she just disappeared ..... :(

not a good way to end my day ...  i'm hoping someone really nice took her in and gave her a loving home  :)

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