Monday, February 17, 2014

15 Feb, Sat

in the morning i went to see if there was a boat going over to Water Caye today to snorkel.    Water Caye is a tiny little, uninhabited island, that has some wonderful snorkeling around it.    i love it there.   but you have to take a boat; and i need other people on the boat so it's not so expensive.   Bush's Market has a board out front, if they have enough people at 12:30, they go.   if not, maybe the next day.    but ... after i got back home, we had a really hard rain and wind ... then it stopped, then started again a couple of times.   i decided today probably isn't a good day to go.   

the dreaded 'Cold Front' has arrived ... i know i get no sympathy from all of you in the Polar Vortex ... so i am not complaining ... just stating the facts  :)    ... it means that the temps drop, winds pick up, and there is always a chance of rain ....   i hope it doesn't last too long ...

a couple days ago i sent a note to Sue, a woman from the States that quit her job, sold everything, and moved here 8 yrs ago, ...guts-y move, and hasn't regretted it once .... i met her last time i was here.    she does absolutely incredible underwater photography.   i asked her if we could meet for diving and/or dinner.   she said, great!     so, ... i walked to Utila Dive Center, and signed up ... i'm going diving tomorrow with her.   ...IF it doesn't rain, ...and that's good with me too.    diving is expensive, and i want the sun shining for optimum underwater viewing for my money !

turned out to be a hot day, later in the afternoon.    i took a walk  ... pretty views on this little island ...

also saw this Iguana...

this is not the Spiny Tailed Utila Iguana ...  it was right along side of the road close to town.  ... but it wanted me to know that this was his territory ... i think this is his 'stay-away-from-me' sign .... check out this video :

by the time i got back i was sweating .. glad to come home and open my door and feel that nice breeze.   the back door out to the lagoon also has a screen door, and i leave it open all the time .... i guess i feel pretty safe here  ;)

i went out again for a Sunset photo

i made dinner for myself tonight.   diced tomatoes, onion, garlic, parsley, jalapeno, zucchini, chicken breast, parmesano cheese, and some pink grapefruit juice (for sweetness) .... over spaghetti  ... it was amazingly good.

packed my dive bag for tomorrow and set the alarm.   the only thing i don't like about my apartment is that it is VERY dark inside ... so i never know when to wake up  :(    ...that's why i keep both doors open most of the time ....

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