Sunday, February 9, 2014

3 Feb, Mon - Part 2

EPIC DAY - Part 2
we headed back towards Caye Caulker.    on the way, Wilbur stopped to check one of his secret Lobster-attracting set-ups.   he got a bag ready and we all got in the water and watched him dive down, poking his pole with a hook on the end of it, under this platform where the lobsters were hiding.    once he got them out, he's grab on to them and then bring them to the surface and put them in the bag.   

Wilbur going for Lobster
some tried to escape, like this one !

he dove down time and time again, ...  being pretty successful in hooking 10+ lobsters.   towards the end, either there weren't many more in there, or they were getting smarter.   he finally called it quits ....

here is Jim with the 'goods' ...

the initial plan was to return to Madi's and grill them.   but last night, the 'guys' were out and ran into some long-time friends of Wilbur's from Nebraska.    they had flown down to San Pedro and rented this huge catamaran and have been sailing along the reef for a week.   this was their last night and they invited us all to go sailing with them, and Wilbur could fix the lobsters on the boat.   .... we all agreed that this sounded like more fun.   

we returned to Madi's, took a quick shower and got some dry clothes and they picked us up in their dingy and took us to the boat, where we set sail.

we all had our pictures taken with some of the lobsters ... the one in my right hand is kind of an 'albino' lobster.... it's tail was white ?

Elena and I
Crazy Captain Wilbur
Andrew contemplating how good they will taste

now Chef Wilbur

meanwhile ... i relaxed ..

it was a beautiful sunny late afternoon; but ... there was a rainbow in the sky ....

i said this was an 'epic' day ....

and we were also treated to a very unusual sunset, with distinct rays of light streaming upwards through the clouds ....  awesome !   ...reminded me of how they used to have that light going into the night sky, advertising a fair or circus, in the 'olden' days  :)

they were all such nice guys, gave us drinks and snacks while we sailed south for about an hour, then turned around and came back and ate on the boat ... they also grilled some Nebraska steaks that were wonderful ..... Surf and Turf at it's finest  :)

again, another reminder of what wonderful people you meet when you travel ...

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