Sunday, February 9, 2014

4 Feb, Tues

i can't believe how incredibly sad i am this morning .... :(
Madi brought me a brand new cat carrier to prepare for Dulce .... he investigated and i think he approved of his living quarters for the rest of the day.

i went to the Water Taxi with them and took these photos ...

it was another 'bittersweet' day for Madi ... i'm sure she felt worse than me ! :(

and off he went with Andrew to Seattle   :(

he's going to have a wonderful life as a USCitizen; but i am missing him so.

Madi returned from the Airport and reported that Dulce and Andrew boarded the plane with no problems.   she also told me that someone else is coming in to 'my' pink cabana again tomorrow and i will have to move back in with her and her Mom.    to be fair, i did tell her i thought i would leave by the 4th ... i thought i would, but still so much to do, and i haven't had much 'fun' time  .. yet, it is time to leave.  my visa expires on the 8th. 

i wasn't very motivated today ... so i tried to do some work on my photos and blog; and i tried to plan my exit from Caye Caulker and my journey on to Utila .... but the WiFi connection wasn't cooperating, so i didn't have much success on either one.

the thought of hauling my 'stuff' on buses and water taxi's for 2 days is less appealing the older i get.   it was challenging and kinda fun the first couple of times, ... but   ... i need to research my options.

Alex came by and pulled down some coconuts, and 'prepared' them for us ... what a treat !

now that Andrew, my standing 'Dinner Date' has left; i was kind of lost at dinner time too...  Jim had a late lunch and wasn't hungry.   i ended up going to Taco Tuesday with Madi and a new girl, Lauren.     ... just as we were leaving for the restaurant, the lights went out ... for the entire island.    the restaurant said they were still serving food, so we sat down and the lights came on shortly thereafter.

interesting story on Lauren .... she came in from Chetumal on that same Water Jet Taxi that i took the other night, when i came in after dark ....  but .... her driver actually beached the boat on some coral ! ... some of the passengers had to get out and push the boat off the reef ... only in Belize ... but still, it's better than minus temps and 6 feet of snow .... i think  :)

Madi asked me if i wanted to bring another kitty to my room for the night.   there is another Male,  Baby, that is the next youngest arrival here.   he's over a year old and she would like to find a home for him too ... and needs to find out how he is with strangers.    so i had Baby in my room tonight.    he's a nice kitty too, but just one night isn't enough time for us to get to know each other.   he did not sleep with me ... at some point during the night, he was doing laps around the room, and his lap included jumping on and off my bed.   but i think he would make a nice kitty for someone ....

just an all around sad day for me  :(

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