Tuesday, April 8, 2014

1 Apr, Tues


April Fools :)

this morning i saw a post on FaceBook from the RMP that they had been robbed !  
then i remembered it was April Fools Day  :)       

so i thought i'd try my own   :)

but theirs was a really good April Fools Prank.   Christi and another girl in the office staged the burglary for Nic.   ...and then caught his reaction on the surveillance cameras that are set up in the office ... it was priceless, watching him walk around, putting his hands on his head, calling on the phone, walking in circles ... it was very funny to watch!   i love a good April Fools Prank, and this one was classic  ... a great way to start the day  :)

i took the Water Taxi to West Bay today for Beach Patrol ...
when i arrived there were lots of 'new' snorkelers in the water, all with life vests, on a 'guided snorkel trip' ..
West Bay Snorkelers

i talked to a lot of nice people again today and then got in the water .... there was another group of snorkelers on a 'catamaran snorkel trip' ....
West Bay Catamaran Snorkelers

i like the idea of a catamaran snorkel trip .... that way they are out in the deeper water, and there isn't as much of an opportunity to damage the coral as in the shallow water.

i saw this nice big Barracuda, who was showing me his teeth ...
Barracuda showing his Teeth

i was able to show this Carribean Reef Squid to a couple of snorkelers ...
Carribean Reef Squid
Caribbean Reef Squid
and my favorite illusive Trunkfish ...

and, ... as i was finishing up for the day ... in the shallow water ... i see another ScorpionFish !
just look at all the 'stuff' on this fish ...
it amazes me !

"Grumpy Face" ScorpionFish
and that they are right here where a hundred people pass by them !

still amazed, i continue on my way ... and ... i see another one  ... it's right by that inflated slide-thingy that the kids play on !!!!!!!!!
there really is a ScorpionFish in these photos, but even i am having a hard time trying to figure out where !
i saw 2 young boys ahead of me, one with a small live conch in his hand ... i talked to them about the Conch, and i told them i would show them a really cool ScorpionFish, if they'd put the Conch down ... they did ... and do you think i could find the coral that the ScorpionFish was on ?????? ...i looked and looked and looked ... they finally had to go ... i felt so bad :(   .....i finally did find it again, and found another couple to show it to... when i pointed to it, ... it disappeared ... lightening fast ... i had no idea they could move that fast   ! ...  i had photographed it for probably 10min and it never moved, but when it decided to go, it wasted no time ... i guess that's how they can be in shallow water with so many people and survive ....
his eye is on the top left side ...

the power went out again this evening while i was at The SunDowner.    ....this was Patricia and Ron's last night in Roatan ... i will miss them :(

the power was off and on a couple of times while i met Angie at Monkey Island for Taco Tuesday ... love that place :)    .....we were on our way to go watch the final Softball Tournament when the power went off again ... and stayed off, the game was cancelled .... we turned around and joined Katie's group at The Coconut Tree because they have a generator and WiFi .... life in Roatan :)

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