Saturday, April 5, 2014

30 Mar, Sun


i got word this morning that some of the 'locals' had organized a Sunday Funday Beach Party US$15 all you can eat and drink ... sounds like trouble  :)

the party was down by Luna Beach and i've been wanting to snorkel that reef, so i walked down there .... yes, there was a party ....

i blew up my 'Diver Below' safety float and took off for the reef ...
.... i do have my priorities :)
Diver Below safety float

it was a long snorkel out to the reef, in between a couple of sailboats, i spotted this .... do you see it ?
Web BurrFish
.... i've never seen one of these before ...
Web BurrFish
he was so cute !
Web BurrFish

seconds later another Spotted Eagle Ray cruised past me ! ... that's 2 in 2 days !
Spotted Eagle Ray
this one was smaller than the one yesterday ...
Spotted Eagle Ray

and didn't stay around long ....
Spotted Eagle Ray

i also saw this large Reef Lobster .... it seemed strange that it was not moving ... it was dead ... but it's tail was attached, so i knew it had not been 'poached'  ..... i asked Christi about it ... she said that Lobsters 'molt' ... shed their shells ... and that is probably what happened ... i learned something new !
Lobster Molt

as i continued out to the reef, i followed this TrunkFish ... i LOVE TrunkFish, but they are never very cooperative, and always run away :(
Healthy ElkHorn Coral w/Sergeant Majors, Blue Striped Grunt, and RedBand ParrotFish
Flamingo Tongue
some nice healthy looking Sea Fans ...
Sea Fans
Double Flamingo Tongue
Many different colors of Christmas Tree Worms
i also saw a small turtle, ...briefly the distance, as it was racing off ... too far and too fast to get a photo ...

as i headed back into shore, i was looking for my little Web BurrFish again ... and i found him, not too far from where he was originally .....
Web BurrFish
they have incredible green eyes ...
Web BurrFish
and their 'spines' stay erect all the time ... some fishes that have spines, only put them up when they feel threatened, but this guy has his up all the time ...

and ... the Spotted Eagle Ray came circling around again !
Spotted Eagle Ray

when i got back to shore, i found Angie and some other friends ... when i took off my sun-shirt, they noticed a rash on my tummy .... when i got home i looked at it ...
i have no idea what it is .... :( doesn't burn or itch (too bad) .... but it is something i got in the water ... under my shirt (which is VERY tight) ?

i had a drink or 2,  and ate some food, visited, then headed for home .... later in the night, i regretted eating the food .... :(

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