Sunday, April 20, 2014

17 Apr, Thurs


today i was accompanied by Nic from RMP and 2 local boys who work at Eldon's SuperMarket ... they are volunteering to help at the beach with the Spanish-speaking vacationers ... Alex and Alan .... 10-11yr olds ... non-English speaking.    ....they have had their 'training' so were supposed to know what to do .... but they were shy, and mostly just followed us up and down the beach .... :(

Nic and i took the kayak out for awhile and tried to talk to people in the water ....
it was a different day for me ... i didn't do my 'normal routine', of walking and talking and snorkeling ... i guess i didn't feel very productive :(

we're working in 2 shifts this week, so it was a 'short' day for me .... we got back around 1pm

i would have liked to go back out to Sandy Bay and snorkel, but couldn't reach Katie .... eventually i snorkeled at Half Moon Bay ...
French AngelFish - Juvenile
French AngelFish - Juvenile

there were 2 ScorpionFish under the Dock today ... this one on the rocks ...
and this one in one of the barrels ...
ScorpionFish - Grumpy
there are always a lot of lobsters under the Dock ...

again i saw a lot of SharpNose PufferFish...
SharpNose PufferFish

i took a quick tour of the bay ...
2 TrumpetFish
Healthy Coral  :)

as i was returning to the Dock i saw another ScorpionFish in the sand by a huge chain ...
ScorpionFish in the Sand
ScorpionFish in the sand

under the Dock was this large Hermit Crab ... doing something with a shell ...
Hermit Crab in Conch Shell
Banded Coral Shrimp
Banded Coral Shrimp

i always see this small red fish under the Dock, but cannot figure out what it is ...
Mystery Red Fish ?

i got home late and had leftovers for dinner  .... i walked into West End and part way down the street, and decided there was no reason to be there ....
came home and worked on my blog ...

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