Wednesday, April 16, 2014

10 Apr, Thurs


woke up to rain this morning ... and feeling like i had one too many drinks last night .... :(   .... and i am supposed to go to West Bay to do Beach Patrol today ... the rain stopped, although it was still very cloudy as i walked to the RMP .... Christi said she had been to West Bay earlier and they were setting up lounge chairs and expecting people ....

i got a ride to West Bay in Nic's truck, and he explained to me where more bouys were and some additional instructions, in case i wanted to do more of them .... you see .... i have to be careful about this 'dremel-bouy' job ... :)    ..... Christi said she'd pick me up in her car at 1:30

by the time i got to the beach is was starting to drizzle  ...  and there were only a few people on the beach and fewer in the water.    ....i walked down the beach and saw a young guy blatantly STANDING on a huge coral head.    there are lots of places amongst the reefs where you can safely/carefully stand ... but it was so obvious what he was doing .... Christi had said i should have a whistle, but i didn't think i really needed one .... today, now, i needed a whistle !     ...i yelled at him and motioned for him to get off and come in ... there was a woman standing next to me and asked what i was doing ... i said, 'he's standing on the coral'  ... she sincerely said, 'so what is wrong with standing on the coral?' ....  it really amazes me that people really don't know and understand.    i think she was his mother, and he had his girlfriend with him ... i explained, and he said that the waves had pushed him onto the coral and he was trying to get off ... hummmm ... right ... i didn't believe that, but i had done my 'job'

they started walking down the beach and a guy came up to me and said that they had left their trash on the beach, .... i told him to go tell them ... so he did ... and they did come back and pick up their trash ....

i had a long conversation with that guy, who told me that the couple 'had been taking pictures of each other standing on lots of the coral out there' .... amazing .... grrrrr

then it started to rain ... i took shelter for awhile ... a few people did get in the water to snorkel and i talked to them ... then there was no one new on the beach and i was hungry, and needed some food    ...i walked down to Bananarama and had their lunch special:  2 slices of pizza and a coke for $6 ... i felt much better ...

it stopped raining and i continued to walk the beach, but there were VERY few people there today ... most of the vendors were packing up and leaving ... it was not a 'beach day' ... i feel sorry for the Cruise Ship people who only have one day here, and then it rains .... i know if it were me, i'd be truly disappointed ... :(

Christi picked me up at 1:30, and i came home and took a nap  .... i'm just not a very good 'drinker' any more   :(

Katie, my now Social Director, said there was a 'Blues' band playing at Lands End Resort tonight ...  i was ready for that !!!!!!!!!

this little guy entertained me while i got ready ... he was so cute ....
my Resident Gecko
he was quite friendly, ...not at all bothered by me being very close to him ...
Friendly Gecko
it reminded me,  ....i had forgotten ... when i was about 10-12, we had little 'chameleons' for pets, we had a string tied on to them, and pinned them on our clothes, and they changed colors depending on what we were wearing.... wait a minute ... did we really do that? ... Mom? ...Daddy? ...Pam? ....Ron? ....did we really do that? horrible :( times have changed !
Pretty Green Gecko

Katie, John, and i walked up to Lands End ... there were lots of people there ... and the 'band' were the same musicians that i've been listening to the last couple of weeks. they are all very good,  .... everyone was dancing and having a fun time ... ok, so it really wasn't 'blues' ... but it was 'good' music ... not techno-stuff that some people call 'music'   .. i am old  :(

i think we closed that place too ... but i only had one drink  :)

Katie, John, and i also made plans to rent a Jeep tomorrow and travel to the other end of the island.   Katie knows a place where we can spend the night ... we're going on 'vacation'   :)

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