Saturday, April 19, 2014

14 Apr, Mon


no cruise ships today, so i drew and dremeled another RMP bouy ...

about 1pm i went home for lunch, put on my bathing suit and walked to the other end of West End and visited with Suzanne at her Pool at Sunset Villas ...

then we met at La Pepperoni, and split a pizza ... i like their pizzas the best.

we walked down the street to experience the beginnings of Semana Santa ...
all the bars on the streets are playing their music REALLY LOUD  :(

we walked into another bar ... i swear it was not there 2 days ago ... i mean the entire building was not there 2 days ago !!!! ... construction happens very quickly here before Semana Santa !

we walked around el Boske and up to their 'disco' bar .... it's very impressive ... very air conditioned and well thought-out ... and very noisy inside ... but once you stepped outside ... you couldn't hear anything .... that is one sound-proofing system they used in there ... i guess they had to, because of all the neighbor's that are RIGHT next door and not very happy about them being there ... :(

oh ... they also have a bubble-making machine blowing bubbles off the top of their 'Eiffel Tower' edifice ... very cool  :)

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