Wednesday, April 9, 2014

7 Apr, Mon


this morning i witnessed the most amazing reunion ...
i was on the upstairs deck when i heard all 3 of 'our' dogs barking and yelping like crazy  ...
a young girl arrived, who had stayed here for a year ... but she hadn't been back for 2 years ... the dogs were going nuts they were so happy to see her ... WoW !     ...animals are so awesome !

i was up there trying to get WiFi, since my TIGO stick (internet connection) is still not working ... and the WiFi wasn't working either ... so i went to the RMP to see what was going on there.   there are usually no Cruise ships on Mondays, and today was no exception.   but never fear, Nic came up with something for me to do.    

some people make donations to the RMP, and want to have a Dive Site named after them ... so i was making the bouy for the new Dive Site, named "Jack's Place".    the bouys are large plastic balls, that i first printed 'Jack's Place' on, then used a Dremel tool to carve out the name, and then it will be painted for all to see  :)
"Jack's Place"   Dive Site Bouy

basically the Dremel tool melts the plastic into a groove ... i was wearing my glasses (safety...NOT) ... but at least i could see what i was doing and my eyes were somewhat protected,  ....Nic also brought me some earplugs.   tiny plastic pieces were flying everywhere and stuck to my sweaty body .... (it was really hot today and there was NO breeze).     ....after a couple of hours, my fingers were tingling and numb, and the skin on my legs was broken out where i was holding the bouy ... i guess my skin didn't like that raw plastic ... time for lunch.

on my way home, i found the TIGO Guy, who was not able to help me ... i'm a Catch 22 TIGO-kind of thing .... and i don't understand it ... but he said to try again tomorrow ...

back to RMP after lunch and i finished the Dremel on my bouy.    while i was there we got the news that Norwegian Cruise Lines have 'pulled out' of Roatan .... meaning, they have cancelled their stops here (temporarily at least) because of yesterday's shooting ... it's possible that Carnival, Princess, and other Cruise Lines might do the same.    ....some of the people are very concerned about this possibility, since their entire earnings are based on cruise ship people  ...
and, more importantly ....
lots of people are concerned about the growing crime rate on Roatan   :(

i went to the Thai Place for dinner tonight with Katie and John, another friend of Katie's from Toronto who just arrived today.   they have a few tables that are right on their dock over the water.   it was really nice out there because there was a breeze, and even this evening it was still quite hot.    i had Chicken Pad Thai, and i felt fine after eating it  ... that made me happy ... i'm on the road to recovery :)

i quickly walked to Coconut Tree and used their WiFi and changed my airline tickets to return on 27 April   :)   ...there, it's done  .... i'm staying !

then we went to Buena Vida to play Music Trivia ... they play part of a song, and the teams guess the title and artist .... i was VERY LITTLE help to my team as most songs were from the late 1990's on ... they did play 'Your Cheatin Heart' by George Jones, one each CCR, Beatles, Eagles, Jackson Browne ... other than that, i'd never even heard of most of them   :(  

4 people sat at our table, that we didn't know and joined our 'team', and one of the girls was a walking music encyclopedia for that music, she was amazing!    ...and, ....she is from Kalamazoo  !     ...we came in 2nd ... but money is only given to 1st Place  :(

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