Tuesday, April 22, 2014

20 Apr, Sun


yes, they sell these in Honduras, but they never get the crispy crunchy outer crust on them because it's so humid here ..... so i had to eat them soft ....poor me  :(

woke up to rain this morning .... i don't want to dive if it's raining, .... i thought it might clear up by 10, but it really came down instead ...
Rain in Roatan

and more rain, and again in the afternoon, more rain ....
Lots of Rain !
i worked on my blog and photos

about 2pm it stopped and the sun came out .... i needed to get out, so i went for a walk .... i thought it would be cooler but i was wrong ... it was hot and humid ... i love my little room in the garden .... it's always cooler there, and with the ceiling fan on, it's really nice ...

i saw a lot of ripe cashew fruit on the road to the store ... if you missed it, i talked all about how cashews grow and eventually become nuts in my post from 18 March ...
Cashew Fruit

i talked with a friend who told me that SunDowner was having a band from 5-7pm today and, even though it is Sunday (no alcohol), they would be serving.  

i couldn't get ahold of Katie nor Suzanne, ....i need a phone  :)   ...and asked my neighbor, Lee; but she didn't want to go ... so i went to SunDowner by myself around 5pm ..... i sat at the bar and ordered a Monkey LaLa  :)    ... Happy Easter to me   :)

eventually i met a few new people and watched the sun squeeze between the clouds

...that was a different Easter  ...

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