Wednesday, April 9, 2014

4 Apr, Fri

MY DAY OFF    :(

i had asked for the 'day off' from the RMP, so i could go diving again ....   :(

the fever was gone, but i'm not feeling well,  ..... the visits to the bathroom continued through the night, and when i got up, as soon as i ate a cracker or drank anything, it went right through me .....  i know to keep hydrated, so i was drinking water and Pedialite that i bring with me for this reason.

i am just about 100yds from a store and Katie, so i walked to the store to get some more Gatorade and visited with Katie and Gillian for awhile, then returned home, had some chic noodle soup, then to bed and slept.     

it is Gillian's last night here, and they were meeting 3 other girls at WestBay for dinner at The Argentine Grill.    ..... i was feeling a little better, so i decided to go with them and try to eat something bland and light; ... i was hungry .... :(

we had a table right on the beach with our feet almost in the water,  and watched the Sunset and ate ....
Argentine Grill - West Bay Beach

it was a beautiful night, as are all nights here.   even in the summertime in Michigan i usually need a sweater in the evenings; but not here ... there is a warm breeze, and i'm not cold even in a tank top.   .... (why would i want to go back now... to the cold ?)

i ate a 4 small plain grilled shrimp, and my stomach cramping started.   ....  we went to BananaRama to listen to a guy playing the guitar, then to Island Pearl to listen to girl doing the same ... i hung in there (or the toilet) ....but i wasn't having much fun .... fortunately, everyone called it an early night, and i was back home and in bed by 9:30

i probably shouldn't have gone, ... but i'm glad i did,  ... but much happier to be home in bed.   

this is just a temporary food-thing, ..... tomorrow will be a better day  ....

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