Tuesday, April 8, 2014

2 Apr, Wed


i visited with Christi at the RMP this morning while Nic and Oscar were returning to mooring bouys to the water.
some island recent history:  several years ago, the Marine Park installed mooring bouys in the water for the 'yachts' so they didn't have to drop anchor when they stayed here.   (there is a large sandy area, but as you can imagine, hundreds of boats, dropping anchors around a coral reef could be very damaging).    they also were collecting a small fee from them, which helped to maintain the RMP activities.  
2 yrs ago when i was here, they were forced to remove the bouys ... lots of politics of course, but something about the then-major wanted them gone, so he could build a marina (personal business for him), and he could get the revenue .... i'm not sure how that could have happened, but they had to remove the bouys ... they did, however, leave all the 'hardware' under the water.  
--the Marina was never built, (thankfully)
--the mayor was not re-elected,
--and today ... the bouys were returned to the water !!!!!!!!!!    ... small victory .... they still are not able to charge a mooring fee, but hopefully that will come later ... baby steps on the island :(

Oscar took me to West Bay when he and Nic finished the bouys.    it was a pretty 'normal' day at at the Beach.

i was talking with a lot of people, and not much time to look at fishes ...
but you can always count on a school of Blue Tang to swim by when you are snorkeling ...
Blue Tang
Black Durgon aka Black TriggerFish

this was Angie's last night before she returns home to Utah ... a lot of her friends met at Monkey Island to wish her well.   she plans to return in December and stay until May next year.   she's met a lot of friends and really loves it here.

Me, Angie, Suzanne (from Texas)

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