Wednesday, April 9, 2014

5 Apr, Sat


i slept through the night, and i was sure i would be ok by morning .... but i had a couple crackers and pedialite when i got up, ... my stomach cramped up again and they went right through me ... time to go to the clinic...

.... i was told that Clinica Esperanza (the 'almost-free' clinic) was open on the weekends, so i got in a taxi.   
i'd been hearing sirens going past my place all morning, but didn't know why.  the taxi got about 200yds past my place and there was a roadblock ... a house(s) were on fire up the road, so it was down to one lane, while the firetrucks traveled to the sea to get water and back again.

we waited about 10min for our turn to go,  ...and the taxi dropped me off at Clinica Esperanza .... i walked up the hill, ...but, it was closed ... they are not open on the weekends  :(

but, i know that there is a Clinic (for tourists) at Anthony's Key Resort, more expensive, but i needed to see a Dr. i walked to Anthony's Key Resort, ... maybe a 10min walk .... mostly downhill :)

it was air conditioned in there,  ....and Friends was on the TV,  ....and only one person ahead of me in line.   the Dr was very handsome :) ....and soft-spoken, and English speaking  :)     ....he said it could be caused by a bacteria or an amoeba..... we could treat the bacteria or both ... he asked how long i'd been here, when i told him, he said there was a possibility that it could be an amoeba, and suggested to treat both.... i agreed  :)    ...   and also to start taking Imodium now that i'm on the antibiotics.

he said i should feel better in a day or so, and that i didn't need to go back home yet...      Dr's Orders ...  :)

i ate some crackers, drank lots of clear fluids, and took naps throughout the day ... with no trips to the bathroom  :)

by evening i was really hungry.   i walked to Rotisserie Chicken and ordered a half of a roasted chicken, ... i ate the wing, thigh, and leg, and brought the breast home for tomorrow.

i Skyped with Mom and Daddy for an hour ... it was great to see them  :)

laying down to sleep tonight with no covers,  ... i was comparing it to being home:
--long underware to bed
--heated waterbed
--cotton sheet
--quilted comforter
--down quilt
--still cold

...... Just Do It !

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