Thursday, April 3, 2014

26 Mar, Wed


STILL no electricity when i woke up this morning   :(
it came back on around 8am ....

Woo Hoo ... a Cruise Ship is here, but another girl will go and i didn't have to go to the Cruise Center ... i got to go to West Bay and do Beach Patrol  :)

i had a lot of good conversations with people today on the beach ... i seem to end up talking with people that 'care' and already understand .... they are fun to talk with, and i always tell them that i've 'deputized' them, and to please talk with people if they see them doing something they shouldn't.

i was approached by a local guy who told me there are still kids that are selling SeaHorses ... but that they know Me now, and they just disappear when they see me ... he said we need to put people out here without RMP shirts on to catch them ... i told him i would work on that ...

out in the water today, i saw a guy literally crawling across the top of the coral ... this was a grown man ... not a child ... he said he wanted to get 'over there' with his friends .... i asked him to 'back out' and find another way to where he wanted to go ... he ignored me and continued on his way  :(    ...i saw him later, asked him if he needed any help ... he wanted to know if i 'worked' there ... when i told him i was a volunteer, he said 'ok, that's all i need to know'  .... i told Christi that she may get a complaint about me... she said she would 'happily' deal with the issue by saying, 'oh, you were crawling across the coral and are upset because someone told you not to' ....

when i'm doing a 'snorkel patrol' i am looking for 'people', ....not fishes ... but ... i can't help but see some fishes, ...and can't help but take a few photos along the way ...

Blue Head Wrasse

i haven't seen a Sea Cucumber that looked like this before ... i called it a Chocolate Chip Sea Cucumber, but when i looked it up, i see that 'they' call it a 3-Rowed Sea Cucumber ... i like my name better :)
3 Rowed Sea Cucumber

this isn't a 'new' concept ... but i've never seen anyone actually doing it ... it's called Snuba ... a combination of Snorkel and Scuba, hence the name .... it is a way to breathe under water without getting certified as an Open Water Diver. you have the air tube (regulator) in your mouth, a weight belt to keep you down, and it is connected to a 'surfboard' that floats on the water and carries your air tank ... someone is on top of the water going along with the surfboard while you "snorkel-scuba".  .... i like the idea ... it's WAY less cumbersome than all the diving equipment, and you can go at your own pace ...this girl was really trucking along ... probably because she was paying by the minute  :(   ...if i was rich, i'd have one of these for my very own  :)  .... i could take all the time in the world to photograph those little fishes that like to hide in the coral longer than i can hold my breath !
Snuba -ing

Squadron of Blue Tangs

here is a TrumpetFish with an 'identity crisis' ...they are really good at camouflaging themselves, but he missed the boat on this one ... does he think we can't see him ?
TrumpetFish with Blue Tangs

TrumpetFish swimming with Blue Tang
i was in the shallow water, on my way back in, when i spotted another ScorpionFish ! .... what is it with these ScorpionFish in the shallow water, where people can step on them .... ???? you see it ?
Find the ScorpionFish 

Oscar took me back to the RMP and we both went in the office to talk about SeaHorse strategy ... .. Oscar's English is pretty good, but i can't carry on a conversation with him ... i needed Christi to help ...  so we're working on a 'Operation SOS - SeaHorse Sting' for next week.. :)

i had leftover tacos when i got back so i wasn't very hungry for dinner ... i went to the Rotisserie Chicken place to get some Coconut Cream Pie ...  they were open, .... and they had pie ... i was happy ...
i sat at a small table, and eventually was approached by an older gentleman asking if he could sit with me ... assuring me that his English wasn't that good, and that he wouldn't talk and 'bother me'  ... and then he never stopped talking  :)   ...he was from northern Italy, ....was in Research for a Pharmaceutical company and told me about the drugs that he 'discovered' ...has been here for many?  years, ....plays all the musical instruments by ear, ....never had any lessons,  ...had a band here on Roatan ... then a guy came in with a guitar and some bamboo pipes that he blew into,  ...that guy learned all his songs from my Italian friend, (so he says), ....and my Italian friend sang along with all of them, whilst playing the bongos/drums on the table ...

ahhhhhhhh, the joys of traveling and meeting interesting people  :)

on my way home i saw this young kitten ... i bought a can of catfood and fed him ... and got my 'kitty fix'  ...i hope he has a home ... although he was pretty hungry ... :(

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