Thursday, April 3, 2014

27 Mar, Thurs


Nic from RMP drove me to Mahogany Bay this morning and helped me set up ...
interesting concept this place ... when they get off the Ship there is this 'Mall' ... here you can see the Ship towering over the buildings, and the 'Mall' ...

there is also a beach/bar that they can walk down to, or there is a ski chair lift that will take them down there for US$12; and i guess there is a 'turtle farm' down there too ... the thought of which is too depressing for me to go have a look.  :(  

or, when they get off the Ship, they can catch a taxi to West End, where i live, or go to West Bay Beach where i 'patrol', or go do other activities like Zip-Lines, HorseBackRiding, etc ...

but ... many many of the people just stay HERE ... at this Mall !     .... and i guess they think that this is "Roatan" .... and they can tell their friends ..... "yeah, we've been to Roatan ! "  .....

so i'm thinking, if all the cruise people go to the beach here, then they are not destroying the 'real' reef at West Bay and West End ... maybe this is a good thing  :)

the Marine Park has a little 'cart-kiosk-store' here where we sell T-Shirts, hats, bags, can/bottle coozies, etc. .... all proceeds go to helping maintain the services they provide.

Can I Sell you a T-Shirt ?

it's a nice spot to spend some time ...

but, it's not Roatan ...   :(

the Ship wasn't docked very long today, they left around 1pm ....

i counted my money ... i made $239 today    ...i was pretty proud of myself  :)

closed up the kiosk and walked out to the road to catch a taxi back.... i had to switch taxi's in Coxen Hole, so i decided to go to the Bank there, since there isn't a Bank in West End.   unfortunately, they wouldn't give me any money at the Bank, and i had to use the ATM anyway,  ... they limit you on the amount you can withdraw in a single transaction .. so i had to withdraw 3 times, and still didn't get enough money out to pay my rent .... and of course, they charged me a fee each time   :(     ...what a 'racket'   :(

while i was there i walked around the 'town' and had an ice cream cone  :)    ...then caught another taxi back to West End ...

i asked Suzanne, a new girlfriend from Texas, if she wanted to go to dinner tonight .... we decided to go to the Oasis .. it's just outside of town on the road to West Bay.    they were one of the vendors at the Music Festival i went to a week or so ago and their food was good ... i wanted to try them for dinner.      we had Ahi Tuna wonton tacos that were wonderful, and some good tenderloin slices on toasted baguette.    who said you can't eat well in Roatan?   ... you can if you spend enough money  :(   ...i splurged tonight and it was worth it   :)

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