Saturday, April 5, 2014

31 Mar, Mon


on my way to the RMP, i saw Coltin, this was his last day and i asked him if he was going to go diving; and if he cared if i joined him ..... he said great ....
there were no Cruise Ships in port today, so i figured i could do a dive at 1pm ...

at RMP, i varnished some boards that will be used to trim our latest SeaHorse sign, and then spent some time 'embellishing' the picture of the SeaHorse that one of the other girls had painted ........ it was all orange .... i thought it needed some 'personality'   .... :)

i got my dive gear and signed myself up for a dive with Coconut Tree Dive Shop.   they were very nice there, and gave me a discount because i've been volunteering with the RMP  :)

Coltin recently finished his DiveMaster Certification, so he took care of me and made sure i got everything assembled properly ...  :)
we had a nice dive ..... visibility was really clear

Gray AngelFish

SharpTail Eel

Spanish HogFish

our DiveMaster was pointing at something in the corals ... i finally saw what she was pointing at ...
Turtle hiding in the corals

Turtle emerging from Corals

Turtle 'taking flight'


GoldenTail Moray Eel

Indigo Hamlet

it was a fun dive ... and i am happy that i saw a turtle :)

Monday night is 2 for 1 pizza at Banarama in West Bay; and they have a brick oven pizza.

Angie and i caught a Water Taxi and sat on the beach eating pizza and watching the sunset ....

Angie and Me

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