Wednesday, April 9, 2014

8 Apr, Tues


i started painting the bouy at the RMP; then Christi told me that a new volunteer, Michelle would be going to Beach Patrol with me today.   the Seas were pretty rough today here in West End, but they were really rough at West Bay ... the biggest waves i've seen since i've been here ... you could almost body-surf on them.  

there weren't very many people at the beach today ... i heard it was because a lot of the people from the Cruise Ship didn't leave the Cruise Center, in fact, a lot of them chose to not even leave the Ship !, ... because of the news of the shooting :(

and it wasn't a very good day for snorkeling because of the waves, which made visibility poor; but there were a few people in the water.

we saw a girl holding a large piece of coral out of the water, examining it; ....?   ...   it was a girl about 15-16 and her mother.   .... i walked into the water and talked to them about the reef ... they had no idea that she shouldn't take anything from the sea  !  ... i'm embarrassed to say they were from Michigan  :(     ...and ... while i was talking with them,  ,,,an older man started walking out of the water with the SAME piece of coral that she just put back in the water .... he said, yes, he was "going to take it home" .... he had no idea that you shouldn't take anything from the Sea either......  it wasn't even that pretty ! much education needs to be done !!!!!!!!!!!!!

we didn't stay very long today.   Michelle admitted to me that this was not something that she would be comfortable doing, and would ask Christi if there was something else she could help with.  

i returned to the RMP; then walked the streets until i found the TIGO guy ... who finally was able to reconnect me to the internet... it cost me $25 for another month, but that's ok.

i saw a friend walking down the street, who told me about a secret place where i might be able to see a SeaHorse !!!!     ...i can't tell you where it is, or i'd have to kill you  :)
i was so excited ....

i was told there were 2 seahorses here, but my friend could only find one, and it was 'yellow' ... because of the waves today, visibility was awful ... i couldn't see anything until i was right on top of it ... it wasn't where he said it was, so i started looking around ... and, ....FINALLY appeared out of the 'fog'  !!!!!

i was so excited ....

... not only was visibility poor, but the waves were strong, and pushing me around ... so i put my camera on 'burst' mode, so it takes one photo after another .... i don't have a really expensive camera, so this 'burst' is not what you might think ... but it does take them faster than my having to wait and push the shutter each time  ...

so my eye was watching the yellow SeaHorse, the time i took this photo, i didn't even notice that the other SeaHorse was there until i saw it in my photos when i got home !!!!!!!!

the second SeaHorse, was darker in color, so it wasn't as noticeable, but i did see it eventually  ....

the yellow SeaHorse decided to swim away ...
they propel themselves using their dorsal fins ... you can see the fine little fins on it's back in this photo ...

the second was was a lighter yellow in color, and smaller ...

they are so fragile-looking ....

eventually, i swam around and found the yellow one again, ....entwined around this piece of rope ...

woooo hooooooo ... what a wonderous animal to be able to experience ... especially since all i've seen is dried dead seahorses mounted on a sign ... :(

i think i've mentioned this before, interesting fact about the SeaHorse is that the  Female deposits the eggs into a 'pouch' in the male, and the male carries and delivers tiny little replicas of themselves.   i found this amazing video of a Male SeaHorse giving birth ... i thought this is incredible !   .... check it out on YouTube ...

i took some video and will let you know when i post it ... after looking at some of the last videos that i posted, (they are awful!)    ....i need to figure out what the problem is with the download, because they look fine on my computer !

i stayed home tonight and ate Pad Thai leftovers and caught up on my blog since the internet was working .... the wind picked up later in the evening and provided a nice breeze for sleeping, and it started to rain ... even nicer for sleeping .... :)

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