Friday, April 25, 2014

21 Apr, Mon

raining again this morning  :(   .... really unusual weather here lately

tried to get into my bank account on line again... unsuccessful ... i finally called the bank ... after asking about my withdrawals, i discovered that my ATM card has been hacked  !!!!!!!!!     .... i had heard that this was happening here in Roatan, ...but certainly it wouldn't happen to me ...  WRONG !     .... after a lot of work on the part of the nice girl who helped me at Keystone Bank, we got my card cancelled ...

the thieves somehow electronically take your card number, and they had been withdrawing increments of $100-200 every day or so since 14 April ..... from Miami, Florida .... at least it was from Miami and was easy to track, since i'm not in Miami ... my money will be refunded to my account.    this is a real problem, the thieves still have the money, and the banks will take the loss,  but, in the end 'somebody' has to cover the losses .... 'somebody' is eventually 'we the consumer'   :(

i took a taxi to Coxen Hole to visit the Banco Atlantida, the same bank i used in Utila .... i should have used them the first time i tried to get money at Coxen Hole ... :(

 ... luckily i brought another bank ATM card with me also .... good Girl Scout that i am ... 'always be prepared' ... or was that the Boy Scout motto ? :)

here is a funny, 'bittersweet' story about when i went to the bank ....
there are officers at the door and they 'wand' you and make you take off your sunglasses (that seems strange) .... so i get in the bank, and there were 50+ people in line .. (which i figured would be the case ... banks were closed over Semana Santa, so everyone was there) ... it was going to be a long long wait, at least the line didn't go outside the door and down the street, in the heat ...
but .... the officer saw me look at the line and then he pointed for me to go 'there' ...
 ... i walked that way, but didn't see anything ... except 4 'old ladies' sitting in chairs ...
there is a special window for handicap, and i guess, ...old ladies ... and it seems the nice officer thought i qualified ... that's rather 'bittersweet' don't you think ??????? my wait was comfortable, sitting in a chair, in an A/C bank, and quite short, ok, it probably took 15-20min ... but WAY less than standing in that line for YOUNG people  :)
age does have some benefits  :)

but this issue has caused me to re-think how to get $$ in a foreign country ... they are suggesting wiring money to yourself through Western Union's difficult to keep one step ahead of the bad guys ... :(

it rained a couple of times during the day again  .... ???????????

i got out for a walk late in the afternoon, Katie stopped over, then i met Suzanne for all-you-can-eat-wings at Coconut Tree ....

then to our favorite ice cream place  :)
they also have these frozen bars .... which are wonderful ... the have pieces of fruit in them ... you can see the slice of kiwi, and the watermelon one even had seeds in it !    
Made with Juice
Juice and Milk Added

they even have an avocado one ..

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