Saturday, April 19, 2014

16 Apr, Wed


my day off ... Katie and i had talked about going diving today; but i haven't heard anything from her since Monday   :(  .... and she doesn't have internet at Sandy Bay ...

around 11am i got a message from her, asking if i wanted to do a hike up the hill, ...wear good shoes, t-shirt and meet in a half hour ... sounded good to me

i met her at the Gas Station and she said she needed to go to Western Union first,  and asked me if i wanted to go along ... huh?   .....i thought we were going hiking? can so much change in 30min ?????????

...but, i was up for a 'road trip' ... or something! off we went....  first we tried the Western Union/Bank at the Airport, where the line was REALLY long and i learned something ... i will have to stand in that line when i leave to pay my Exit Tax ... good to know  :(

luckily Katie saw a friend who told her to go to French Harbor where the line won't be as long .... back in the taxi ... French Harbor has a 'shopping mall' ... i've been there before.     no one in line at Western Union there :)   ... then to Claro, the phone company to sort out her internet problems ... no line in there either !!!   :)

then we went to a little French Crepe place and had a wonderful un-Roatan-like lunch  :)

there is a huge supermarket there .... during Semana Santa the produce shelves were pretty bare !!!!!!!!!!!!    ...amazing !
Produce Section at SuperMarket

back in the taxi and returned to SunDancer and sat on their Dock with the rest of the group and relaxed;  ... no hike today  :)

Dock at SunDancer
then took a taxi home...

i went to SunDowner to see if i could find Grazia, an Italian woman i've met that i enjoy talking with ... she was there and said she is leaving on Friday ... it's getting too hot down here and she is anxious to get home to northern Italy and enjoy the cool crispness of Spring.   she's been coming here for years and stays for the winter .... but now it's time to go ...

and, ... honestly ... i'm ready to be home too ...  i have another 10 days, and i LOVE the weather, ... and i know i'll be miserable with the off-and-on cold that i will come home to in Michigan (i'll try not to whine) ...  but ... i'll be home ... there is so much to do there ... and here, i'm not doing much ... volunteering yes, snorkeling yes, ... but i'm ready ...
and... it seems to be the feeling of a lot of people i've talked to lately .... Grazia, Mark, Suzanne, and Katie too .... all thinking about leaving sooner than planned ...

Roatan is not a place i'd like to live full time

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