Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fri, 1 Feb

 Rain, Coffee Beans, and BBQ

it rained all night last night and continued through the morning ... our roof is galvanized-aluminum and it is really loud when it rains.    we were all wondering if we were going to have to work in the rain today.   

then we saw Geovanny walk out with a garbage bin full of coffee beans, and laid them out on the table ...

we spent the morning 'peeling' coffee beans ...  they don't come off very easily; but it was an easy, mindless job .... and we were DRY!     .... we had 'music' from someone's iPod ... i finally got my own iPod out and listened to a book ....

the Hippo-Therapy kids were supposed to come in the afternoon ...but again, they didn't show. i still wasn't in that group; so a couple of us worked in the garden, planting pepper seedlings, and planting seeds in the flats.

a bunch of us headed into town, internet again, of course .... then back for our final Come Dine With Me dinner.   this dinner was being made by the guys ... they said they were doing a BBQ, grilling meat.    us girls were skeptical because they were in town with us deciding what they were going to have for dinner .... some of the girls bought french fries (chips to those from England), just in case.

we came home and visited outside for awhile while they prepared our dinner.   that's Rachel (from Pennsylvania), and Kate ... and me ...in case you didn't recognize my short hair  :)

it was a surprisingly wonderful dinner.   they made an appetizer of Patagones, (which is fried plantain); hot dogs and bacon, wonderful fried potatoes ....

and ..... S'Mores for dessert.     most of the group had never had S'mores before.   this obviously was organized by the one American, Will, also from Pennsylvania.

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