Saturday, February 9, 2013

Tues, 5 Feb

Machete Whacking and Milking ... no, not with Machetes   :)

this morning was horrible work .... we walked 'just a little ways' up the hill ... NOT !    ..... and then whacked black raspberry bushes and anything else living, except the Escalicia tree .. which is the only tree that the Mockingbird will nest in.     they are trying to get them to grow up there.   

the problem with today's work was that it was on the side of a very rocky hill, so there was no level ground to work from.    it was difficult, ...but again, we prevailed and survived ...

there were also some interesting seed pods i found ....

and this plant with flowers ... (this is how i entertain myself during our breaks)

in the afternoon some of the new 'kids' got to try their hand at milking the cow .... i AM improving ! right hand is useless, i have no strength in it ... but my left hand works well, but still gets tired ...

this is momma and baby meeting; they had been separated for a day+ again; and they were really mooooo-ing back and forth to each other ... it was kinda sweet, but i felt bad for them ... that baby is only 4 weeks old and he misses his momma

back to the internet after work again ... 

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