Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Sun, 17 Feb - Part 2

Praise the Lord !
Part 2 - Boobies, Turtles, and Sunset

the nice stone pathway lead us right out to Playa Carola ...

Laura was excited, ...she had just spent 30min photographing a Blue Footed Boobie .... that was all she really wanted to see before she leaves on Wed.

we could see 2 more on the rocks at water's edge, so the 3 of us girls went to see if we could get photos of 'Boobies'   .....   :)

lots of Marine Iguanas here too .... it's funny, when you first see something, you get SO EXCITED ... but after seeing them everywhere ... well, it's still exciting, but ...

and this one seems to have made friends with a Sea Lion; and decided to share the same rock ... funny how they just lay themselves out so flat ...

yes, the Blue Footed Boobies didn't fly away from us ...

i've had requests for photos of more 'Boobies'   :) ...

so here you are ....

then spent some time snorkeling ... with more turtles ...

i was happy to see this BullsEye Puffer Fish didn't run away from me ...
you can see the 'BullsEye' on his back ... hence the name :)

more turtle photos  ... i can't help myself ...  i still recall the day that i was SO EXCITED to see just ONE on an entire trip !!!!!   ...

you can't take a picture of a fish ...without a Turtle in the picture ... Rainbow Wrasse    :)   ...

we headed back to town about 4pm .... it's Sunday, and everything is closed ... no WiFi anywhere.    i went to Luis House to check on my room for tomorrow.   i had sent an email to Fernando, but hadn't received a reply.   Fernando's brother was there and said to come and they had a room for me.   so i'm all set.

we caught a taxi back, ... in time to walk up the hill to catch my last sunset at Hacienda Tranquila .... there is an old church up there ... abandon and falling down, but it's quite interesting...

above the church is this small shrine to the Virgin Mary, ... it still has flowers in it ...

view towards Kicker Rock ...

beyond the Shrine was another building; not sure what it was used for, but it had nice windows for taking pictures through ...

it was a beautiful sunset for my last night here ...

the hill in the distance is Cerro Tijeretas where we were today ....

a nice quiet evening again visiting.   it's been nice getting to know our 'small' group of 9 since the larger group left. 

i went out side to use the bathroom to get ready for bed ... and guess what i found just outside the door ....    little sweeties, keeping each other company ...

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