Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Sat, 2 Feb

Half Group Gone, Frustration, and Sea Lions

half of the group left early this morning to visit Isabella Island for a couple of days.   so, it should be considerably less crowded and less noisy around here.   they will return on Tues.

Geovanny also told us that 2 more volunteers would arrive this afternoon ..........................................................    un-believable !!!!!!!!!!!

it rained again last night, and wasn't sunny this morning ...    :(      ... so the rest of the group headed into town around 11am, for internet, shopping, and hopefully some beach time.   this is the strangest place ... there is nothing open on Sat !    i walked around town for 30min looking for someplace that had WiFi ... our usual was closed, even though the sign said open ... we tried Mockingbird but the lady didn't feel well, so she closed ... we tried the little ice cream place on main street, closed also, ... the WiFi at the hotel/restaurant next door wasn't working (too much rain they said) ...  ahhhhhhhhh!   frustrated, i found a clothing store that had 'hand-dipped' ice cream... tasked like butter pecan but with almonds, ...very good--way too small :) .... but it made me feel better   :)

Kate is getting her Scuba Certification and she finished up around 1pm ... so we all went to the Charles Darwin Interpretive Center.    there is a LOT of info in there ... i was going to try to summarize it ... but it will take some time .... all i have now is a picture of tortoise eggs, ...i didn't realize they were so large ...twice the size of ping pong balls ...

then we were hungry, so stopped at a little restaurant by the beach and had a sandwich.   they have wonderful milkshakes, made with ice cream ... i'll be going back there to get one  :)

these cactus buds were there ... i'll also be back to see them when they open !

then to the beach, Playa Mann.    it was late and still cloudy, so no one went in the water; but we were entertained by the Sea Lions.

this little one was so cute ... and sad ... i have a video of him trying so hard to crawl across the rocks !

i've tried twice to upload this video, with no luck, sorry   :( ..... i'll have to try You Tube

this Sea Lion has a silly look on it's face ... but so sleek and shiny .... notice the ears !

before we headed for home, the group rented snorkel gear for tomorrow, ... hoping for nice weather.

an 'artsy-fartsy' photo of flower petals on the ground ...

the evening was pretty quiet ....

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