Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Sat, 16 Feb

Turtles and ........   Rain   :)

Maike and Leo both left this morning.    the rest of us went into town about 9am, ... to the beach ... the sun was 'kinda' shining ... but as the morning progressed, it got progressively cloudier.    3 of us got to Playa Carola (beach) about 10am.   it wasn't a nice beach day, but i got in the water anyway and snorkeled for an hour or so.    saw lotsa turtles again, and that was about all i could take pictures of because of the visibility and the strong surges..... 

but i was fortunate enough to see a couple HawksBill Turtles; ... they are much prettier ...

they are not very common here; mostly you see Green Sea Turtles; ... you can see the difference in this photo ...

you can tell a HawksBill turtle because his upper jaw kind of hangs over and looks kinda like a Hawk's Bill   :0  ....

i spent a bit of time taking a video of one of of them eating the algae off the rocks ... i'll let you know when i put it out on You Tube

aren't they pretty ?   ...

their markings are so distinctive ...

i did get a shot of this Panamic Sergeant Major that was pretty clear ...

and this Spinster Wrasse ...

but i am really wanting to see some OTHER kinds of fishes !!!!!!

there were a LOT of surfers out there and THEY were enjoying the big waves.   the waves don't look that big, ....until you see a little person riding one.    this is the best island in all of the Galapagos for surfing.

a couple more turtles, doing their own 'surfing' in the surge ...

when i got out of the water, it started raining ... we headed for town ... but we, and everything we had with us, were soaking wet.    we walked through puddles in the pouring rain.    actually it wasn't that bad, ...i was already wet, and it was a warm rain.    the downside was that we had no dry clothes to put on, and there wasn't a taxi in town that would take us home ... because of 'lluvia' ... it was raining!   

elections are tomorrow, for the last 2 weeks there have been campaigns going on in town, and headquarters set up everywhere.    lucky for us, all the headquarter sites were cleaned out and deserted ... and made a perfect shelter for us to get out of the rain.    waiting for it to stop so we would be dry enough and maybe a taxi would take us home.

the rain let up a bit, so we could find a restaurant that was still open, but just about to close, .... we got some hot chocolate.    it was 12:30 and they closed the minute we walked out.    we finally found a taxi to take us home.   a hot shower, long pants and a sweatshirt felt really good.   it rained all the rest of the day ... and it was another downpour rain; so loud again, we couldn't hear each other.   .... so i took a nap  :)    ..... needless to say, we were bummed about this damn rain on the weekends !

it cleared up around 5:30 .. right before sunset ...   i walked around outside  ....

and chased this momma hen and her chicks around the yard for awhile before it got dark ...

i don't want you all to think i'm always complaining about the rain ....
i'm just sayin'     :)

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