Monday, February 18, 2013

Leaving Hacienda - Fri, 15 Feb

Last Work Day at Hacienda

last night i sat right up in bed at the horrible sound of a dog sounding like it was being murdered !    one really loud screaching yelp ... then it was over.   i laid there for awhile and thought about getting up, but feel back to sleep.   i think our sweet little cat, Me-Ow was defending his territory against some little puppies ... no one was hurt  :)

in the morning i got up to check on my pizza dough .... hummmmm, where was it?   i left it right here in this bowl, wrapped in plastic ... the bowl was there, but everything else was gone....?    Josh and Kate were up and said they got up when they heard the dog screaming, and the kitchen door was wide open.    i guess a dog came in and took my dough ... there was also another empty dough bowl out in the grass .....  but no one said they were missing any dough when i asked.

so, i thought i was so smart, and i ended up having to make pizza dough anyway  :(

a bus load of children were arriving this morning.    they are from a 'day care' facility for children of young (15-16yr old) mothers ....  they were going to ride the horse ... facing forward  :)  .... and then we were to play games with the ones who waited, ....give them a garden tour, etc.     ...doesn't sound like a very hot sweaty day, even tho the sun was shining.

before they got here, we went to the garden to plant some tomato seedlings in holes that Pepe had already dug for us   :)    after they were planted, i noticed that there was still some weeding to be done, grabbed a bucket and started weeding.   the rest of the group went up and waited for the kids.  then i saw them walking to the school, as Geovanny was leaving, i talked with him awhile and then asked him if i should go to the school, or just keep weeding .... he said i could just keep weeding and stay with Pepe.   which made me feel right at home  :)      i heard the bus arrive and the kids yelling ..... i was happy to be in the garden   :)

i know you'll find this hard to believe, but it started raining while i was weeding, but i kept on weeding rather than retreat under-cover where there were kids  :) how does the weather know that it's the weekend?

i offered to make a pizza for Carlos and Pepe; and as we started to prepare our pizzas, someone realized that their dough was gone  :)    so i guess i wasn't the only one targeted by the dogs.    Pepe really liked the pizza i made  :)   ...he still doesn't speak much English, but he does know a few words and he is ALWAYS smiling.   he said, 'very good', with a huge smile on his face!

it rained all during lunch time and continued off and on though our afternoon 'chores'   ... we all did something different, ... i washed windows.    at 3pm we got in the taxi and headed for town.   it was not raining in town.   i went to the bank again; .... waited in line for 30min  :)   .... when it was finally my turn ... she said that my bank would not allow my withdrawl ?   :(     it was my Keystone account and i definitely let them know i would be using my card in Ecuador.   luckily i also notified Bank of Am, and that card worked ... i didn't have enough money it, however, so went immediately to the internet and transferred funds.     need to get ahold of my Keystone bank ... which won't be easy from here  :(

a little time at the internet and walked around and took some photos of San Cristobal.    this is the 'stage' in the Park .... showing Kicker Rock and the volcano ...

a close up of Kicker Rock, or Leon Dormido, Sleeping Lion ... you can see how they depict the Sleeping Lion out of the rock ...

these trees were in full bloom when i arrived ... 4 weeks ago already; ..... and now they are all starting to lose their flowers ... glad i got some photos of them before they were all gone ...

went back and talked to the Travel Agency ... that tour is no longer available ... which is good, that decision has been made for me :)    .... i'll just hang out in San Cristobal (town) for a few days and see what happens.

tonight is the last night for Maike and Leo ... we were going to go out to dinner, but decided to stay home and save money.   we had a Tapas-kind of a dinner.    Will started out with fried yucca, which i now know i like ..

then Sandra made some kind of beans, which was a very long process to get them to the 'eating' stage ....   then Will made a wonderful milkshake-type drink with the Persimmons that we got from Pepe's place ... it was a little sweet, tart, light, and so fresh !!!!   ..... i could drink a gallon of that!  (Will told me a place on Santa Cruz where i could get some more).   we finished up with Crepes filled with fruits, cream cheese, chocolate, cookies    :)

then we sat around with everyone teaching everyone else a combination of Germany, French, and Spanish  ... i couldn't participate  :(    ...another quiet evening  :)

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