Monday, February 18, 2013

Thurs, 14 Feb

Piglets and Elephant Ears

this morning we were told we were going to help out another family on the other side of the island .... we piled in a taxi and ended up at Pepe's families farm not too far from Puerto Chino.    we walked down the hill ,,,,

and we could see the coast in the distance ....  beautiful view  ...  

Pepe is one of 14 children (most of them grown) in their family and they have a big garden, .... and nice soil  :)   

we were clearing another area for them to expand their gardens.    machetes in hand, we got to work .... it's nice to see results after hard work ... when we finished, it looked like this ...

on our way back we stopped at the Pig Pen .... these cute little piglets ...

and the momma, who is saying, "what have i done?"  ...

this is the same place we stopped on our way to the Beach the first time.   when we got up to the taxi, i would have done almost anything for a ice cold drink ... but only Will brought enough money for one.    about that time Carlos told us to come over to the table ... Pepe's sister had prepared some lemon drink and was frying ..... Empanadas ... full of air ....... but they are Elephant Ears to me ... they were hot with lotsa sugar and they were wonderful ... i ate TWO   :)

that was so nice of them ... they were also peeling a bean of some kind ... they were a pretty color ....


we also came away with papaya, yucca, limes, and persimmons ...

after lunch, we weeded 'our' garden ..... the weeds really enjoyed all the rain we've been having ... and it needed it ....

but that didn't last long, since the taxi came to pick us up at 3pm and we headed into town.     i wanted to go to the bank and see about getting some money out.   i brought enough with me to last so far, but i'm going to have to start paying for housing ... and maybe some entertainment   :)      we learned early on that the only ATM does not accept our Visa cards ... it likes MasterCard, but not Visa.    so we have to go inside the bank to get money.   we also learned after the first attempt that they want to see your passport before they will give you any money.    so, it's time to see if i can get some money.   

i also got an email from Andy and he warned me that there are NO ATMs on the island of Isabela.     i won't be going to Isabela for awhile yet, but that's good to know .... and maybe i need to start 'stock-piling' my cash now   :)

so in the bank i go ... passport and ATM card in hand .... waiting while they entered all my info ... waiting,,,,,  waiting.....   waiting... finally she said the system isn't working .... i left and came back 1/2hr later, and still the system wasn't working.    i'll try again tomorrow.   glad i don't really 'need' money today.

back to the internet for several hours, then home, ....  Will boiled yucca while we were in town; and then fried some up when we got back ..... i said i didn't like yucca .... i lied   :) tastes just like home fries ... i guess if you put enough salt and oil on anything, i'd like it   :)

tomorrow is pizza day.    last week i froze half of my pizza dough; so i got it out of the freezer and put it in a bowl, ready for tomorrow ... i won't have to get up early to make dough  !!!    :)

another quiet evening at Hacienda   :)

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